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★ 2.8
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Sécurité pour les Enfants

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Basé sur 5 avis

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I think this is a great site. Can't imagine why people think there is hate or discrimination here. Just because you disagree doesn't mean there is hate.
This is a comprehensive list of lectures by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi. The lectures cover a vast array of subjects within Judaism, from basic commandments through science to kabbala. ***** is very inspiring. Some lectures are quite strongly worded, and thus not for the faint-hearted. Rabbi Mizrachi has a great sense of humour and he's a brilliant story teller. For anyone wanting to study Judaism.
Speaker is a rabbi teaching jewish life wisdom and torah. He is extremely knowleable and a good interesting teacher. Some might find it offending that he is honest to the extreme sometimes but he is right and not afraid to say it. There is no ill meaning but how can you learn wisdom based on lies. I give him my best recommendation.
Excellent speaker. He's fun to listen to. If you don't like his opinions, don't listen. But don't put a bad rating on WOT.
An Israeli Rabbi who through audio and video provides in depth analysis of the Torah. The site also has positions given by scholars who are not Jewish which are worth viewing. Two highlights of the site are a debate between Rabbi Mizrachi and a Professor of Christianity with 31 years of experience and a movie called 'Torah and Science' which has been viewed by more than a half a million people. The Rabbi has a great sense of humor and is enjoyable to watch or listen to and for those interested in learning about the Jewish faith will find this site worthwhile to spend time listening to the Rabbi who usually adds several new seminars weekly.
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