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This site was detected and reported in the spam blocklist maintained by Joe Wein. It is listed at ***** Be wary of spammed sites, they are often run by criminals who are out to defraud you.
Visiting this site may lead to negative visitor experiance due to the past actions of the owners of this site which may include: distribution of malware, drive by viral downloads, or spamming.
dreammilk.ru sends spam.
Looks like you're trying to visit a site advertised in spam -- bad move! Were you expecting Acai Berry? Viagra? Penile enlargment? Fake watches? Bigger breasts? Ultimate Replica, Luxury Replica, Dr. Maxman, Diamond Replica, Exquisite Replica, Acai Elite, Acai Pure, Pure Colon Cleanse, Natural Breast Enhance, etc. all are run by the same scammers and share the same hosting in China. You may be looking for a good buy, but your money is what will be going goodbye. Promised a free sample? Not without a credit card number. Promised a money back refund? Look up the website's domain name registration at http://who.is/whois/dreammilk.ru/ Look at the line that says, "Creation Date:" Yes, this site's name did not even exist before then. Talk about fly-by-night! They probably haven't had time to fill a single order, let along provide refunds for dissatisfied customers. It doesn't matter -- the site is illegal and will be shut down by then, so those customers will have no way to find these crooks to try to get their money back then anyway. Some of these sites are clones of the sites spammed by SanCash, whose owners were raided and shut down by law enforcement in Australia, New Zealand, and the US in 2008. One of the owners just got fined fifteen million dollars, news that was celebrated around the world. That investigation isn't even finished yet, and their affiliates are back at it, in defiance of a court injunction. So you can assume there is an active investigation into these sites, too. And when that investigation again leads to raids, all their data will become public record in the evidence against them. So if you are stupid enough, after learning all this, to give your name address, and credit card number to spammers, you may find all the intimate details of your order posted on the internet some day. You -- and your insecurity about your penis size -- may one day be world famous. This site should be rated red. More comments at http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/dreammilk.ru ***** *****
Рассылка спама! / Spam sending!
Спамеры / Spam !!!
The Risk Credit card scams.
Identity theft / credit card abuse FAKE online watch / jewelry / handbag "replicas" enter no information, attempt no purchase re: ***** Listed Domains on ***** Nameservers ***** Whois: http://whois.domaintools.com/dreammilk.ru DNS: http://www.robtex.com/dns/dreammilk.ru.html
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