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Sécurité pour les Enfants

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Basé sur 4 avis

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Persistent spammer.
This is the website for a travel agency that's been around in the UK for a long time. It serves up a script, it looks to me, so it can have a nice pretty ad; a script, I might add, that is right up front, doesn't try to hide. And, yeah, they want to place a cookie; doesn't everyone. I should think that if you're sophisticated enough to make your way here you're sophisticated enough to block *one* cookie. So there's the online tracking that I felt I had to check. I can't help but wonder if some users didn't click on their ad to see what they were, and maybe inadverdently sign up for info? Hence thinking they're being spammed? It's pretty easy to do sometimes. The "Unsuitable for children" is because, who wants their kids booking cruises and safaris and beach vacations in the Bahamas?
I am a travel connoisseur and I love this site because it typically does have the lowest prices around. Also, I had to email them once and I got an immediate response from an actual person...not a robot. Two thumbs up!
Réponse de dunhilltraveldeals.comil y a 10 ans
Hi raydragon, Dunhill Travel Deals has a subscriber base of 3 million travelers that have signed up to receive our newsletters each week. We only send these newsletters to subscribers who have requested them. You could not have received an email directly from Dunhill without signing up first. If you'd like, you can send me your email address and I'll see if you are registered as a subscriber. If you are, I can certainly have you removed. Perhaps you received something about Dunhill Travel Deals from another sender, but not direct from Dunhill. If so, I can also make sure you are added to our "blacklist" so you are never contacted by us or anyone else about our newsletters. Just so you know more about us.... Dunhill Travel Deals is an online media company and premier publisher of travel deals. Since 2007, Dunhill has been consistently providing our subscribers with the very best travel offers available in the marketplace. With 100+ years of experience in the travel industry, our expert staff aggregates, shops, and handpicks the top offers each week. We just released a redesigned website this month. With a focus on traveler experience and ease of use, the website features photos, descriptions and links to the very best travel deals on the web. Please take a moment to explore the new website at http://dunhilltraveldeals.com. We hope you like it and discover that we are a legitimate and reliable website (and source of travel deals). Perhaps you'll even update your negative review :-) Let me know if you have any questions or need any additional info. Thank you! Katie Barrett Dunhill Travel Deals "
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