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★ 3.1
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Sécurité pour les Enfants

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Basé sur 9 avis

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Avoid them for email store/forward (MX agent)! I have set up the service with them, mainly because they are cheap. However, I keep losing business critical emails and they are doing nothing to fix the issue on their side. It's a shame.
Definitely not spam or in any way suspect. I've used it for years with no issue
To say that this site is malicious is ridiculous. My law office has used this to very securely provide our email for quite some time now. My internal IT guru who chose DYNU as our provide had the highest of security clearances in the Air Force and obsesses about online security.
Not sure where people are coming up with anything malicious about dynu's website. This honestly seems to be a targeted attack probably from another DDNS provider, as their 'trustworthiness' has plummeted on multiple platforms for no reason over the past month. Virus total has this listed as no engines and even there the rating has dropped. DynDNS, GoDaddy or some other company is probably just upset.
Dynu website is very safe (all connections are secured by SSL) and their service is very good. Those who are mentioning non-dynu.com subdomains, they are not related to the dynu.com website and are not accurate.
I use their DNS service for my domain name and email hosting. Very good service at very a reasonable price. I moved from GoDaddy to them because GoDaddy's customer service was not helpful at all in setting up my domain's DNS. On the contrary, customer service at Dynu is very responsive and thorough.
***** ist ein Anbieter für so genannte "DynDNS", d. h. die eigene Blogseite oder sogar der heimische Rechner wird vom Internet aus unter einer festen Adresse erreichbar. Viel Leistung für wenig Geld! Die Website überzeugt durch eine klare Struktur ohne nervige Werbung, ist aber leider nur in Englisch, Französisch oder Chinesisch verfügbar. Und: Es wird anscheinend nicht geprüft, ob Pishing- oder Fishing-Websites den Service nutzen, wie (ACHTUNG, BITTE KEINE ANGABEN AUF DIESER WEBSITE MACHEN!!!) beispielsweise: ***** - Diese Seite gibt vor, das deutsche "Bundesamt für Steuern" zu sein und lockt mit einer gefakten "Steuerrückerstattung", um die Bankverbindung von unerfahrenen Usern abzugreifen! Ich bin der Meinung, dass ein verantwortungsvoller Provider solchen Missbrauch mit geeigneten Mitteln abfangen müsste, zumal es für solchen "Identitätsbetrug" wirksame technische Barrieren gibt!
Best free dynamic DNS service provider. Satisfied customer for many years. Clean, safe site.
Excellent dynamic DNS service provider and trustworthy domain registrar. Highly recommended!
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