Le site enlargementpillhealthrx.net est-il sûr ?

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spammed websites hitting traps JSS list
Spam sending host. This domain was listed in the Bill Stearns blacklist. It was detected as a domain used in the mailing address of a sender of spam. It may also be a spammed site. The list can be checked at *****
Spammer; blacklisted by *****
Pharmacy Scam. Be aware of use.
rogue Internet pharmacies are affiliated with the notorious Russian criminal network commonly known as evapharmacy.ru, which sells prescription drugs without a prescription, sells unregulated pharmaceuticals, and practices pharmacy without a license. The websites claim to be “Official Canadian Pharmacy” but are neither official, Canadian, nor pharmacies at all. The network is widely known in Internet security circles as tied to Russian organized crime. *****
Identity theft / credit card abuse FAKE online pharmacy enter no information, attempt no transaction re: ***** DNS: http://www.robtex.com/dns/enlargementpillhealthrx.net.html
Fake drugs from Russia posing as a Canadian pharmacy. There are now more online Canadian pharmacies then there are Canadians.
Spam and Scam!
enlargementpillhealthrx.net is one of the domains for the ***** family of spamvertised brands, which include My Canadian Pharmacy, International "Legal" Rx, Canadian Health&Care Mall, Canadian Neighbor Pharmacy, Men+ Health, US Drugs, VIP Pharmacy/"Viagra+Cialis," the spoofed "CVSPharmacy," etc. These sites qualify as "other scams" because of fraudulent information on their websites, use of hijacked servers to host their sites, identity theft in registering their domains, sale of counterfeit drugs (if they are actually selling any at all and not just collecting credit card numbers), misuse of trademarks of organizations like the Better Business Bureau, etc. No one should even consider giving the criminals running this site a credit card number. More information about the remarkable number of lies on these sites can be found at ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Discussion forums are at ***** More comments at http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/enlargementpillhealthrx.net How long has this site been in business? Check the "Creation date" at http://who.is/whois/enlargementpillhealthrx.net/
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