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The Expo Foundation is a privately-owned research foundation founded in 1995 with the aim of studying and mapping anti-democratic, right-wing extremist and racist tendencies in society. The foundation is run on a non-profit basis. The Expo platform safeguards democracy and freedom of speech against racist, right-wing extremist, anti-Semitic and totalitarian tendencies throughout society.
Extremely intolerant to other views than their hardcore-marxist ideology. They hate white people because they are white, and they love foreigner because they are foreigners. Approves violent acts towards political enemies. They hate western culture and society, and appreciate anything that destroys it.
Quote from the website: "The Expo Foundation is a privately-owned research foundation founded in 1995 with the aim of studying and mapping anti-democratic, right-wing extremist and racist tendencies in society. The foundation is run on a non-profit basis. The Expo platform safeguards democracy and freedom of speech against racist, right-wing extremist, anti-Semitic and totalitarian tendencies throughout society." This makes The Expo Foundation (the model for Millennium in Stieg Larsson's novels) the target for various extremists. Some of them obviously have nothing better to do than slandering Expo even in a context like this one. In August 2011, Expo Foundation was awarded the John Hron price of SEK 50 000 for its commitment to combat racism and xenophobia. John Hron was a teenager who was murdered by neo-nazis in 1995.
Members of the Expo foundation is constantly followed by the nazi-movement, ultra-conservatives, anti-muslims and so on. This results in everything from ambitious attempts to undermine the credibility of expo, to obvious personal attacks such as Wiwila. The Expo Foundation is a privately-owned research foundation with the aim of studying and mapping anti-democratic, right-wing extremist and racist tendencies in society.
The people who have posted negative reviews of this website are, to put it bluntly, racist or at the very least extremely prejudiced. Wiwila gave a positive review to Stormfront, the famous white supremacist and neo-Nazi forum. WotWarrior gave a positive review to the website of the National Socialist Party (Nazism is short for National Socialism), an anti-semitic political party in Norway. Mindstorm gave a positive review to several anti-semitic Holocaust denial websites. This magazine has a long history of being threatened and vandalized by neo-Nazis and white supremacists, and it seems they have taken their battle to WoT. This website does NOT contain any hateful content -- it is an anti-racist, anti-fascist, anti-Nazi watchdog. Don't be fooled by the other reviewers!
This is a racist and antidemocratic site that promotes violence and condemns freedom of speech.
The middle aged men behind this site is known to have used it to get in contact with young girls who have later been sexually exploited. They also promote hate and violence against thought criminals.
Makes a habit of destroying the lives of anyone they think disagrees with their vision of a pretty much "Stalinist" Europe. Source-wise they are a complete joke, and what they are doing is a direct danger to free speech and democracy.
mindstorm_'s comment is a quote from the founder of the magazine which later became this site. They actively collaborate with violent groups on the extreme left who have the nasty habit of attacking people they don't like physically -- not just neo-nazis but even politicians from the regular political parties. Oh, and they lie a lot, too. They have also been known to support conspiracy-mongers who seriously believe that thousands of Swedish men are involved in a satanic network that performs child-murder rituals on a regular basis. I have left out a lot of stuff now, but you get the idea -- "racist, extreme left crackpots of the worst kind" sums it up pretty well.
“To feel and even think that the white race is inferior in every conceivable way is natural with regards to its history and current actions. Let the Western countries of the white race perish in blood and suffering. Long live the multicultural, racially mixed and classless ecological society! Long live anarchy!” Hate site
like ADL for sweden
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