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★ 1.8
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Basé sur 13 avis

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This is a legitimate site, the site is a marketplace and the sellers on the platform would give varying levels of service.
Hiring a contractor in India to save some money seemed like a good idea. I was safe and used Paypal. Using the free account, I posted a simple data entry job description and used their pricing for a small job to test the process and quality of work. My account was locked for violating Code of Conduct. I'm guessing a very poor system that flagged my account based on a keyword OR this is a way they get you to pay large dollars to use the site. No response in 2 days on why it was flagged and how I can comply. Very glad I didn't pay to use their service.
I use this site.. Yes they do send lot of mails to your inbox pertaining to you account and other marketing mails.. but you can opt out anytime.. I have used this site for 3-4 projects and still using it
This is a site which gives opportunities to the job seekers and hire's. So it is a good site.
bad place for freelancers. i have worked there for 3 years then i had enough with fake account, charge back, and more..
it is a freelance marketplace and a very big one. it is not any scam or spamming site at all
Similar to other freelancer sites, good for publishing IT projects. But who knows if the owners are trust worthy? Looks like the main site for freelancers.
This is good site, I am using this site from past many years, no issues raisen for me till today
"Freelancer," the name itself reflects some sort of richness but, that doesn't lie in its activities. This website might have been started by a thief cum bitch. Freelancer encourages some Bloody F****RS cum employers to mess up newbies and dip them into shit. Don't work on freelancer instead work great you'll automatically get the best from it.
Fraud, the site sells fake twitter/tumblr/pinterest followers, facebook likes/fans, youtube views, tweets for positioning and good reputation. Fraude, el sitio vende falsos twitter/tumblr/pinterest seguidores, facebook megusta/fans, youtube vistas, tweets para posicionamiento y buena reputación.
Like-/Followers-/Fanverkäufer für Twitter-/Google+/Facebook-Accounts. Datensammler. Siehe auch: *****
Promotes creation of fake accounts, fans, followers, likes, plus1s, views, votes, and/or other web traffic on social networks to falsify the apparent credibility, popularity, and/or value of online accounts, artifacts, persons, products, services, web sites, and/or other assets. Do not risk your reputation or your personal or financial data by using these scams. Reference: *****
freelancer.in is a scam site claiming to sell social media likes and followers.
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