Le site futureme.org est-il sûr ?

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Score de sécurité du site web

Le score de sécurité de WOT est basé sur notre technologie unique et sur les avis des experts de la communauté.
Ce site est-il revendiqué ?
Avis de la Communauté
★ 4.6
L'algorithme de WOT
Sécurité pour les Enfants

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Basé sur 7 avis

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I had never heard of future me until I started getting charged for their service. They charged me 53.23 on March 4,2022 then on the 11th then on the 18th I don't think this website is very safe considering I had never before the 11th had heard of it let alone been to their site and gave them access to my account and then when I tried to find out how to contact them I couldn't find a way but then tonight on the 18th the 3rd unauthorized withdrawal from my account happened that I stumbled on a email to contact them hopefully they do the right thing and refund the money that's why I think it is unsafe!!!!
One of the best site.You can send email to the future.
I used this site to send me an email and it worked out fine without getting any spam.
Honestly, I can't understand why this site is listed as malicious. Tried out out and it worked just fine. Its fun sending letters to the future. I wouldn't exactly put my credit card in it, but it seems trustworthy enough to be worth a shot.
Visiting this site may lead to negative visitor experience due to the past actions of the owners of this site which may include: distribution of malware, drive by viral downloads, or spamming.
You can send yourself or friends messages that wont be sent until the day you tell it to
Not to be trusted..
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