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SCAM - "penny auction" Spam, scam, beware about data collecting, data/identity theft
I would have to agree with both the points that Am2PmRN made. This wholesale witch hunt of EVERY penny auction site dilutes your credibility, and is a disservice to the supposed purpose of WOT. I have bid on this website and have had nothing but good experiences to report with fast shipping and quick responsiveness.
Given the fact that every user up to this point, has said the exact same thing about every penny auction site (same wording, and their comments all contain links), it is obvious that WOT has recruited a group of people to go in and rate EVERY penny auction site there is, VERY BADLY to give the industry a bad name. This tells me & other's that the service you offer is A SCAM since these are not ratings by people who have ANY experience in penny auctions OR the sites they are rating (how can they rate every site as poor even in "child safety"??)! There goes YOUR credibility! As for the site I am rating now, I HAVE played on this site several times, and they have consistently shipped immediately! I have seen no signs of shills or bots or anything else bad! If you want WOT to be seen as credible, then only real people with real experience on the sites they are rating, should be doing the ratings!
Scam penny auction site http://www.mywot.com/en/forum/14024-penny-auction"
Penny Auction scam/scam enabler. see- *****
Scam penny auction site or promoting/refering to penny auction sites for reference see: *****
penny auction, also see: ***** Spam, scam, beware about data collecting, data/identity theft
[Mass rating tool used] Added to Wiki forum discussion catalog: Scams: Auction / gambling ***** *****
SCAM - "penny auction" re: ***** DNS: http://www.robtex.com/dns/gankit.com.html
this is a site that does a new take on an auction system and has been endorsed publicly by major news outlets and from personal experience I can tell you that its not only a good site but also an interesting site and certainly so far does not appear to be malicious in any way
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