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This site has not been owned and/or operated by said "P. Gordan" for some time now. ***** is a legitimate website offering high quality information and products for hearing.
Réponse de hearing.comil y a 10 ans
Site is under new ownership and has been updated. Please take a moment to review your rating/comments and adjust according. It would be greatly appreciated as we are trying our best to provide a quality user experience by publishing lots of great content relating to hearing.
Beware: Sites belonging to P Gordon, well known spammer / scammer and blacklisted!
Réponse de hearing.comil y a 10 ans
Site is under new ownership and has been updated. Please take a moment to review your rating/comments and adjust according. It would be greatly appreciated as we are trying our best to provide a quality user experience by publishing lots of great content relating to hearing.
Réponse de hearing.comil y a 10 ans
Site is under new ownership and has been updated. Please take a moment to review your rating/comments and adjust according. It would be greatly appreciated as we are trying our best to provide a quality user experience by publishing lots of great content relating to hearing.
Spam, Scam, Pishing blacklisted
Réponse de hearing.comil y a 10 ans
Site is under new ownership and has been updated. Please take a moment to review your rating/comments and adjust according. It would be greatly appreciated as we are trying our best to provide a quality user experience by publishing lots of great content relating to hearing.
Be aware of using. Scamming Network. Reference: *****
Réponse de hearing.comil y a 10 ans
Site is under new ownership and has been updated. Please take a moment to review your rating/comments and adjust according. It would be greatly appreciated as we are trying our best to provide a quality user experience by publishing lots of great content relating to hearing.
Spam,scam, phishing,blacklisted!! Info *****
Réponse de hearing.comil y a 10 ans
Site is under new ownership and has been updated. Please take a moment to review your rating/comments and adjust according. It would be greatly appreciated as we are trying our best to provide a quality user experience by publishing lots of great content relating to hearing.
Spam, scam and phishing attempt combined. See *****
Réponse de hearing.comil y a 10 ans
Site is under new ownership and has been updated. Please take a moment to review your rating/comments and adjust according. It would be greatly appreciated as we are trying our best to provide a quality user experience by publishing lots of great content relating to hearing.
Blacklisted - see: *****
Réponse de hearing.comil y a 10 ans
Site is under new ownership and has been updated. Please take a moment to review your rating/comments and adjust according. It would be greatly appreciated as we are trying our best to provide a quality user experience by publishing lots of great content relating to hearing.
Réponse de hearing.comil y a 10 ans
Site is under new ownership and has been updated. Please take a moment to review your rating/comments and adjust according. It would be greatly appreciated as we are trying our best to provide a quality user experience by publishing lots of great content relating to hearing.
Sites belonging to P Gordon, well known spammer / scammer and blacklisted Ref: *****
Réponse de hearing.comil y a 10 ans
Site is under new ownership and has been updated. Please take a moment to review your rating/comments and adjust according. It would be greatly appreciated as we are trying our best to provide a quality user experience by publishing lots of great content relating to hearing.
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