Le site hillarybeattrump.org est-il sûr ?

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★ 1.9
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Sécurité pour les Enfants

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Basé sur 13 avis

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This is a satirical site -- not a malicious site.
This site is satire, ergo any statements that claim that the site is "misleading" indicate that the person making said statements simply doesn't understand what satire is.
Comedy is good. Parody news, without namecalling or exhortations to violence. Delightful.
This is satire. People who claim it is "false news" have clearly never read The Onion.
It is satire. Humor. And does not pretend to be anything else. This rating is being trolled.
This is a satirical site lampooning American politics and the current political landscape.
This site is political satire to both Democratic and Republican Parties in the US. Yes, it is fake, but this is implied from the outset. It is also funny to some extent. The rating of this site as untrustworthy is misleading, as this should be reserved for actual hate-speech sites.
One of the most publicly funny websites that I have come across in years. The kind of articles that finally makes a person smile even with all the hate and negativity that the popular vote loser, Donnie, continues to spew.
Excellent political satire. A humorous way of bringing attention to Trump's many missteps since taking office. Doesn't just spoof Trump and company. Also spoofs Clinton.
intentionally humorous alternative history, full of comic exaggeration making fun of political parties, candidates, officials, and public figures. Classic political humor.
Those rating it untrustworthy only do so because of their political leanings and the fact that their side lost in the election. It is nothing more than political humor and facetious commentary, not fake news. It's all in jest and is apparently "painful" for them. They value their "safe spaces" and wish to extend that to web sites that bother their sensitivities.
Extremely fake, like beyond comprehension fake. Only good for comedy, nothing else.
Fake website with fake news stories. Not to be taken seriously.
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