Le site homeopathy-soh.org est-il sûr ?

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Basé sur 32 avis

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Most negative reviews are NOT about the TRUSTworthiness of the website, but appear to be personal opinions about the content. WOT is about TRUST.
Homeopathy is nothing but pseudoscience
The Society of Homeopaths is an admirable body that has done excellent work in advocating for Homeopaths in Britain.
Why on earth is alternative medicine a negative indicator? I understand lots of people don't agree with it, but it's not really safety / security related, is it?!
Society of Homeopaths site : important for the regulation and improvement of homeopathy in the UK. They do excellent work.
This website provides reliable information about homeopathy and the regulatory / union activities of the society, It is not biased or unethical and presents a pro-homeopathy viewpoint. Other opinions being given in the ratings here are based on biased viewpoints and an overblown estimation of the risks of self-treatment or complementary treatment of medical conditions, often by those funded by big pharma.
Science often lags when it comes to proving things, especially things that are unpopular; absence of proof isn't the same thing as proof of lack of validity, something most people who have rated this site clearly don't understand. I'm as much a skeptic as the next person but have seen homeopathy work on animals and have had it work on me. There's plenty of quacks out there giving it a bad name but actually true homeopathy does work. It's saved plenty of lives but alas, none of us who have been saved by it, or had our animals saved by it, thought to call important scientists to come record the treatment, so it must remain anecdotal. In future it will be proven, and soon, I'd bet, and all the people rating this site poorly will eat their words. Well, probably not, they'll merely go about life like nothing happened, just like all the people who called 'conspiracy theorist!' every time someone said 'mobile phones can cause cancer' or 'the government is spying on us'. This site is plain and straightforward, even though it's espousing a currently very unpopular belief. It doesn't make it wrong out of hand.
People have used this rating system as a protest against homeopathy. This is a misuse of the rating system. there is nothing wrong with the website. Let people decide for themselves instead of imposing your personal views.
The principles & tenets of homeopathy are not only out of line with scientific facts but also so directly opposed to them that for homeopathy to be correct, physics, chemistry, and pharmacology must be incorrect. *****
People often give bad ratings to alternative medicine. I appreciate you have put that in your reasons now. I hope it also starts to change the rating in the future.
Homeopathy is one of the most unscientific and reality-denying cults around. In the words of Tim Minchin: "It's a miracle! Take physics and bin it! Water has memory! And while it's memory of a long lost drop of onion juice is Infinite It somehow forgets all the poo it's had in it!" "
Promotes #quackery using misleading information and appeals to celebrity instead of science. Smears critics. Oh, and promotes #pseudoscience in vast amounts.
Homeopathy itself has no plausible mechanism of action, thus preparations have zero effectiveness other than a potential placebo effect.
До XX века гомеопатией можно было заниматься, находясь в добросовестном заблуждении. В XXI веке принципиальная бесполезность гомеопатических средств уже достоверно научно доказана.
SCAM! Homoeopathy is simply a way to separate fools and their money as rapidly as possible. It's water and sugar pills - it's not just that it doesn't work (although all the science shows it doesn't!), it's that people who fall for this pseudo-science aren't getting proper medical treatment for their illnesses; sometimes that's fatal. Avoid!
Gives references, detailed studies, doesn't offend and I have no virus or spam issues with it. The negative comments in this wall don't seem to have any basis besides the personal opinions that the info is not valid. Even if it isn't corresponding to truth, it is still information and the website serves its purpose like any other fake or fantasy website online. There are other ways to share info online helping to determine what are the best info references for any practices or areas. WOT is not designed for that, or is it? If not, these comments in this wall are not useful information and distort the reliability, utility, and concept of WOT. I guess WOT has no other option except reflect the culture of their users, if it wishes to continue a fully open platform. So this issue needs a different solution. I wonder if you have anything in mind?
Homeopathy is magical thinking. The dilutions they use are nothing like the "very small amounts, similar to the way vaccines work''. These dilutions are beyond the point of having any remote possibility of having any effect whatsoever. See Steven Barret MD's excellent discussion at *****
It promotes homeopathy, which is demonstrably complete and utter quackery.
Medicine is defined as, "The science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease." Homeopathy isn't science and it hasn't been shown to help diagnose, treat, or prevent diseases. The opening line for the website is thus completely incorrect when it states, "Homeopathy is a system of medicine..."
This goes against all we know about chemistry. It's sad that magical thinking can be marketed as medicine to the masses.
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