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This site is a source of heavily religious and biased content that promotes conspiracy theories, political disinformation and medical information that is distorted if not false. As such, this site is not a reliable source of news or health information. This site was permanently banned from youtube. See: ***** ***** Untrustworthy.
Watch out for loons and scoundrels. See the discussion about 'Rumour, Gossip and Fake News Sites' at *****
I recently caught somebody citing article on this site. I did fact check, and this is an extremely right leaning religious website pushes anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-abortion. Completely not credible.
Absolutely trustworthy. Unfortunately there are those that will reject the truth and hate you for it. In this country you have to freedom to express your beliefs and you have the freedom to express your opinions, it is only the ignorant and hate filled people who think that because of their self important opinions they have the ability to take away your rights because they disagree with you.
Awesome site that comes under Frequent attack by Gays that just prove their intolerance and desire to suppress the truth everyday.
Everyone has their own beliefs. But to masquerade your beliefs as a scientifically proven fact is very misleading and wrong, not to mention dangerous to young, impressionable kids who happen to stumble upon this site.
FAKE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Religious propaganda site pushing blatantly obvious idiocy in 2015.
It is full of blatant lies, discrimination, misgendering of transgender CHILDREN, slander, and all-around hate. I honestly would be concerned about the wellbeing of a LGBTQIA+ child who found this hate-filled website.
I am a Christian, and I disagreed with one of their articles, written by Jonathon van Maren. He deleted both of my polite comments without any explanation. He also deleted a similar comment I made on his Facebook page as well.
Overall, this site is a joke. There is a bias against rational morality, and the belief in fantasy to judge people. It discourages safety over a supposed morality that it fails to justify outside of quoting false sources.
LifeSiteNews should really be LieSiteNews. It contains nothing but miss-information intended to guilt-trip or scare pregnant women into refusing to have an abortion which they might otherwise conclude was the last bad choice for themselves at the time. It contains wall to wall hard core, extreme American Taliban anti-personal freedom propaganda. It pretends to provide comments sections for its deceptive and defamatory articles, but excludes all opinions not in agreement with the site's extreme views.
As the other commenters have said, this is nothing but a christian/right-wing propaganda site, deceptively attempting to pass off its inaccurate, unethical and hateful views as objective news.
May promote right-winged religious doctrine or propaganda. The Christian Right are another cult who claim they show the truth when it isn't.
This site attempts to justify homophobia through apparent "Christian" ethics and through the use of pseudo-Science. The information contained in this site is definitely not reputable, and promotes a hateful agenda in an apparently tolerant way.
You're entitled to your own opinions and beliefs, but not to your own set of "facts". An obviously biased site which attempts to pass itself off as an objective news site in order to push its agenda is deceptively misleading and dishonest.
A typical right-wing-christian propaganda website disguised as "news". Don't trust this site, go elsewhere for information
They block commenters who's views differ from theirs. It's a cheap Catholic propaganda site.
Right-wing hate propaganda
Family-friendly pro-life, pro-family site. The only problem with it is that it focuses on negative news. It is a bit sensationalist.
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