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As it was basically one of the first navigation apps, I really appreciate their effort to set a tone for the development of maps of any kind. Still, google maps is a good tool, in the case of seeing different places and sight-seeing, just superior features and popularity, pay the credit. But, in terms of, car navigation isn`t the best service. Really, every time I use it in my car, the interface does not work properly For example, often the map doesn`t turn around, when I make turns or some road, are not even visible on a map. The visuals are also not good, in comparison, to more modern maps
The development of google maps is something on which users don`t pay much attention. But, they should do so, from usual maps that looked like electronic version of paper maps, they could improve it to a very accurate navigation system, even in some remote places. Also, I can now travel without living my home, thanks to contributors, who are passionate to add new cool places.
As a person who has an inhuman wanderlust I think google.maps is the best thing which was created for travelers. I love traveling all over the world and you can’t believe how it would be a hard task for me to navigate in different countries without this application. Most of all I like the feature that allows me to look at the pictures of places remotely and it is a good opportunity to find out how the place looks without going there. I can make a decision is it worth it to go or nope. Thanks to this I was visiting only great places where I got incredible impressions. However, it would be great if the company adds some new features for travelers because it is noticeable that the application has not been updated for a long time.
I like that Google created such a great map application because you know… I always had problems with navigating not only around my city but also in general everywhere. When I can’t find the right direction of how to reach my destination, google maps will always come to the rescue and thanks to this I’m able to reach my destination faster than usual with a short road. By the way, it is also cool that I can see various places with photos all over the world, even though I have never been there before. xD
Very disappointing and barbarian site. When you write a review of some dodgy business, often Google silently does not publish it. They behave like rats, they don't notify you that the review is not published, and they do not provide any reasons. Google is evil corporation.
Yay, helpful maps! :)
Popular map by Google
Great map site for directions. Constantly updated. Occasionally can lead to small roads not suitable. You have to check whether toll roads are checked on/off cause of updates may go through them still.
Отличный сервис и хороший сайт от гугла
классный сервис для оценки качества
Без коментариев))) Это же гугль карты.
It is a great site for maps and getting directions. I do use it a lot. It is by far the best online maps there are. You can do street view to get an idea of how the neighbohood looks you are planning to visit. However, there are trackers.
Very useful resource for charting directions as well as offers many useful tools such as 3d view allowing visitors to see the world around them. A few services exist that does all this but Google Maps is by far the best!
Bom site, sem a presenca de ameacas a seguranca.
A good site. It is safe for you to visit. Viruses are not detected.
Safe site. I use it very often.
Довольно интересный сайт, советую пользоваться, можно доверять.
Site de cartographie gratuit Google, permet de se repérer sur la planète avec plus ou moins de détails, dépendant des autorisations de chaque pays, certains pays, permettent même de faire un voyage virtuel sur leur routes, partout, ou dans leur principales villes uniquement, ou les musées uniquement, cela dépend encore de chaque pays. Possibilité de demander le floutage de certains endroits s'il touche à la vie privée, selon ce que la loi du territoire concernée permet. Les visages des personnes et les plaques d'immatriculations, sont floutés par défaut par Google. Evidemment, puisque c'est un service gratuit offert par une multinationale, un géant du net, vous êtes le produit, leur trésor c'est vos données personnelles, principalement pour la publicité ciblée, leur revenus. Il y a eu une polémique sur le fait que les Google Cars récupéraient des données personnelles issues des WI-FI (et autres) des particuliers sans autorisations de leur propriétaires respectifs sur leur passage: ***** ***** ________________________________________ Free Online Google mapping allows to locate on the planet with more or less detail, depending on the permissions for each country, some countries even allow for a virtual tour on their roads, everywhere, or in major cities only, or museums only, it still depends on each country. Possibility of applying blurring certain places if affects privacy, according to the law of the jurisdiction concerned allows. People's faces and license plates are blurred by default by Google. Obviously, since this is a free service offered by a multinational company, a giant of the net, you are the product, their treasure is your personal data, mainly for targeted advertising, their revenues. There was controversy over the fact that Google Cars salvaged personal data from Wi-Fi (and others) without individuals permission from their respective owners in their path: ***** *****
The best maps, very accurate and up-to-date, a lot better than Apple's Maps app.
The best map service! I use Google Maps all the time. A lot of other sites use these maps as well.
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