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★ 1.9
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Sécurité pour les Enfants

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Basé sur 41 avis

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DET maste Vara en Säker plåtar, ETT SÅ Stort Företag maste Vara Säkert? Stäng ner DET Om DET integrerad ar Säkert. Den Genie ska vara säkert att ladda ner. De säger att det är säkert, the site is green OK on Norton Safe Web. *****
I downloaded their app to what I thought was a protected, anonymous Virtual machine. They still were able to have multiple "spam" emails and a phone call within a hour after the app was downloaded. Very BAD... stay away. Almost certainly an attempt at identity theft, but absolutely a spam magnet.
Best searchmachine. immediately have found my wordpress-blog.
Received an email with a link to this site. It was posing as an email from Facebook.
I use the genie all the time it saves me time and money when seaching for products online. I got it for free through a friend.... before you believe the ratings check things out for ***** far it appears that it only takes a couple of bad ratings to be rated as a poor site that is unsafe for children?? so far 5 red spots to 28 green hmmmm makes you wonder about the WOT rating system.
Sorry but I can just tell anything good about that Browser App. I saved between 15-50% by using this App for Online-Shopping. It just compares different shops. So where is the Scam? I call this a real good possibility to save time and money. The point is: Your can shop oved different shops that are trustworthy (f.e. Amazon, Wal Mart, Neckerman etc.)
Phishing-Blödsinn die Entscheidung eine Preissuchmaschiene zu nutzen liegt bei jedem Einzelnen selbst.
The site does not seem to possess the the usual qualities of a harmful site - pop-up that keeps you on the site or forces visitors to shut down their computer to stop the pop-up. However, any web browser app that requires administrative privileges and .NET framework for installation is probably not a good idea as it provides too much control of the user's computer to remote entities. If it is so good and safe, why is it only available for Windows?
Spam, Scam, Ponzi, beware about data/identity theft Forbidden in England and Scotland because of being a pyramid scheme. ***** Maleware found: *****
Spam / Scam / Ponzi /Datensammler Gefahr von Daten-/Identitätsdiebstahl.
Highly recommended
super seite Excellent site! Do NOT BELIEVE THE NEGATIVE rating! I will contact the site owners about this strange "service" of WOT
This site is safe and very useful
Отличный сайт и бизнес! Excellent site and business!
No Spam at all, just see what is this website does!
The Genie does what it claims to do and helps users to find good deals online.
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