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I'm a long time Paperform subscriber. Their customer support and the service they provide (online forms) are top notch!
Listen, folks, Paperform is a fantastic service and is as trustworthy - if not more so - than any other online company. I'm amazed that anyone thinks it is not trustworthy. I was an early adaptor of Paperform after a long and extensive search to find a reasonably priced form system that I could use. At the time, I was beginning my own design/marketing business, and I knew that forms were an integral part of what I needed to offer to clients. One of my clients was a medical clinic, and we were able to take the intake form and set it up as an online form. Using the question logic Paperform has incorporated, I was able to ask and point the client with the form to precisely the right questions to get the information necessary. I could even get a signature if the patient were under 18 years of age. It was magical. I've now begun my career as a social worker, and I'm incorporating Paperform into my practice and of my agency. The flexibility and ease is a plus as I navigate a new job and improve the sites for my agency. We're now able to take applications online for proctor (foster) parents and those who wish to help the kids in our program. I recently completed a site launching a new service and we needed to take payments online. As we are a small business with not a lot of overhead dollars, I try to reduce the costs as much as possible. I didn't want to pay our site provider extra for an e-commerce site, and I struggled with how I was going to incorporate the payment into the website without any extra costs. And then I had a brain flash where I realized that Paperform has already solved this issue. I was able to integrate my payment process into the form and then embed the form into my site. Paperform to the rescue! Another essential aspect of Paperform is that they are responsive. If I had any trouble, they contacted me back, and we were able to work through whatever issue I was having. If I asked for a feature that wasn't yet available, they would respond with a timeframe of when they felt they would be able to add it in. Since they are a small company, they can't incorporate everything I ask for, but I think their tasking priorities are fair. I'm in the US, and they are in Australia, and I've never had any issues with response time (within a day, usually) or connectivity issues.
I've built this company over the last three and a half years with my husband and cofounder, and I'm proud to say it's an excellent and trustworthy product. We are all about making high quality tools with excellent support.
This is a fantastic online form builder!
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