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Basé sur 23 avis

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This site is safe but contains false and potentially racist and hateful information.
just because you don't agree with someone's religious views is no reason to slander them!
Oh dear, I'm one of those awful liberal type Christians so i guess I can' t be a true Scotsman, I mean Christian and I'm probably Hellbound for writing that Pat Robertson is a disingenuous bigot.
Good site, slandered by someone who has issues with God or religion or both, There's opinion and news in here. Others may differ, which is true of all outlets. Some people don't like God or believe in God, but they have no right to interfere in how others who do believe get their information. If you don't like God or religion, don't come here, it's your loss, but it's also your choice.
Unless a site does something to you computer it get negative review on WOT. WOT is suppose to warm us of harmful sites. I myself do not care for Pat Robertson but abusing this rating system is wrong.
So if you are liberal or don't like Christianity, you label it a bad sight. Real nice!!! VERY NARROW MINDED. I am disappointed with WOT!!!!!
The only hate I see are some of the reviews on WOT!
If you read all the negative reviews of this site you will find one thing in common and that is they are anti-semetic.
Pray for Pat, to find "His" way through the eye... but avoid this site or be caught up as well.
The reviews of this site are not fair to the site. Pat Robertson is NOT one of my favorite people and even I have to say the reviews on WOT are unfair to the site. WOT reviewers-- I do not need you to think for me. I do not need Pat Robertson or anyone else to think for me. I want to know if this site is safe to browse. Yes it appears safe. Does this site have spam? I do not see indication that it does. Is this site safe for children? Yes the site is safe for children to read Pat Robertson's point of view. I am asking for other reviewers to look at this site and give it a fair review. Reviewers, do not judge the site by what you think about Pat Robertson and what he has said on TV. Judge the site by the standards of WOT. I do not need mind control. I was researching-- actually something negative about Pat Robertson-- so imagine my surprise to find that the very people who should protect freedom of speech actually abuse freedom of speech. Its like the pot calling the kettle black. Please go back to your reviews and rate only the site itself or you are guilty of the same "crimes" you accuse of Pat Robertson.
Once again a website is targeted as being dangerous simply because it has a point of view that in NOT politically correct. Get over it people. It's called freedom of speech. Just because a group of people have an opposing point of view doesn't mean you get to call them "hateful."
The negative rating is based on misinformation and personal opinion of Pat Robertson. It has no basis in true threats to privacy or safety. WOT is being abused by people who view it not as the tool for internet safety that it is, but as a sounding board for their opinions giving false ratings which deter those who disagree with them from accessing information. The leftists are seeking to censor voices which disagree with them. This smear campaign in WOT is a clear example. You may also notice that it is ONLY leftists visiting sites they disagree with for the sole purpose of giving it a negative rating. Case in point: Cheater87 who's claim that this site "says to hate gays" proves that they have not read it. Stop abusing the WOT system. This is not an opinion board. Only give negative rating if you got a virus (trustworthiness), had your identity (privacy) or money (vendor reliability) stolen, or found a site aimed at children which puts them in immediate danger of harm (child safety), i.e. porn, violence, drugs, etc.
It is a hate mongering website run by a fake Christian who promotes bigotry, hate, intolerance and evil. Real Christians do not behave in the way Pat Robertson does. This website should be avoided.
It's not going to hurt you or your computer. Pat does not preach hate, just because he says a group of people are enemies doesn't mean he hates them. There is some of the news is nice to watch.
A false prophet who interprets the bible to his own political views and in turn discredits his own religion.
Promotes hatred and bigotry.
Whatever you think of Pat Robertson I don't this this website will harm your computer or steal your information unless one of the negative reviewers hacks it.
As you all know, Rat is a slimeball who, among other vile things, advocates violence against political opponents.
Pat Robertson and the 700 club as well as CBN= their humanitarian relief efforts that have spanned over 40 years,helping the homeless, feeding the hungry around the world, testimony after testimony of God helping them to help others. They have impacted countless lives for Christ. There is no disputing his overall life's work in helping thousands of people to have food,clothing,shelter and sharing the knowledge of Jesus saving souls.
There is nothing wrong here. Simply leftist and Islamic's hating on Pat. This site is safe and ethically clear. So, get over it.
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