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Very sketchy and I think some of the "services" which believe are fake are illegal.
Promote Islamic organisation. The facebook fans they sell are not what their website says. They are all from the meddle east and some have terrorist flags as profil pictures.
The site at starting point might have had unethical marketing techniques but the service is superb.
Good site, everyone here are just trolls that have nothing better to do. I bought instagram followers and they were delivered flawlessly.
Not sure why reviews are so negative, This site made a viral campaign to market their services , I have bought Instagram followers all were with pictures and delivered within 24 hours. People are mad because of their previous marketing campaigns, Well the masses just don't understand marketing from a business perspective. Yes their ways to market their business might have been unethical but panicking and calling them a scam because you got mad they didn't release nudes is unethical.
DO NOT TRUST ANYTHING/WHAT'S SAID ON THIS WEBSITE!!! IF IT'S LOOKS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, IT PROBABLY IS! This website tried to shutdown 4Chan by falsely claiming to have nude photos of Emma Watson then threatened to release them after the countdown on ***** (which redirects to http://rantic.com as of 12:00 EST on the 24/9/14.) The threat/countdown/photos turned out to be a hoax created by Rantic as a campaign to promote the censorship of the internet. The website got 'hacked' or so they said in a tweet but it's back online with a feed the homeless campaign but it might also be another attempt to censor the internet!
Redirect from *****
Sadly this is nothing more than a bunch of deluded half witted teenagers who need to get real. 4Chan will never go off line or be shut down these "kids" seem to think that the President of the United States can turn off internet servers through his will alone. I hate to break it to you but that is not the case it never has been the internet is not controlled directly by any state and the US has always been respectful to some degree of the rights of internet users when it comes to free speech and not censoring it on any level except when the real laws of common decency and anything grossly offensive is shown. I would suggest to the idiots who set this site up your not going to win your silly little argument because your so called organization does not exist in the real world your deluded and idiots to think anyone let alone the Personal Assistants or such stars would care what you think on your sad pathetic site and yes if indeed Emma decides to sue you out of existence then kiss goodbye to your precious trust funds you little shits.
Company created the ***** website claiming they had naked photographs of Emma Watson (actress) and displayed a countdownto when they would be published. Upon the countdown hitting zero the website displayed a message calling for the US Gov't to close down 4chan. This is a fake social marketing firm run by children who are just looking for a quick buck by getting a huge amount of web traffic through their door.
Site started off claiming that they had in their possession leaked nude photos of Emma Watson, and published a countdown timer with a release date for the pictures. After some people did some digging around, they found that the site was run by 'Rantic' a fake social media company that boasts it is part of some of the biggest media markets in the world. In reality it's run by a bunch of kids who tried to source web traffic to their website via illicit means. They are now trying to use their web traffic to shut down the online board site 4chan. It's a hoax site run by a bunch of teenagers posing as a huge social marketing firm that actually doesn't exist. All they have tried to do is gather a personal army to take down a website. You can google 'Rantic' for more info.
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