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このサイトが表示されている時点であなたのPCはウイルスまみれの可能性が高いので、今すぐ駆除するべきです。 ウイルス駆除とは関係ありませんが、「CCleaner」でツールのスタートアップの項目でいろいろ無効にしてみたり、(「ブラウザープラグイン」も同様に)「Revo Uninstaller」であやしいソフトを完全モードで消しまくったりしたら少しはマシになりました。 とはいっても相変わらずこの糞ゴミサイトが表示されたりするときがあるので、一旦諦めてこれ以上に被害が広がらないようにインストール周りを厳重に注意することにします。
Ужасный сайт!! Самостоятельно открывает браузер!!! Не могу удалить!!! Навязывает кучу вирусных сайтов!! Помогите удалить!!
worst site a virus is this site
Phishing/Scam site. http://quttera.com/detailed_report/search.snapdo.com http://app.webinspector.com/public/reports/show_website?result=2&site=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.snapdo.com *****
Adware installed when trying to install Inviewer (for GIFs). Did not have an option within the install window, do NOT download.
I used Revo Unistaller to unistall this shit.
l'impossibilità nel rimuovere questo sito come pagina all'apertura di nuova scheda, mi insospettisce alquanto. desidererei poter scegliere quale pagina aprire tramite pulsante "apri nuova scheda" che sarebbe il pulsante + in alto a destra.
I´dont trust in this site. I believe that this site contain viruses
it is a search bar very un-friendly with suspicius content, I suggesto to delete it, from IE go to IE options, general TAQB and delete from main site, write a google site (i.e. www.google.com) and done. From MOZILLA go to the browser, write "about:config" go there and right click on any black line, RESTABLISH option on each black line (one by one).....***** is eliminated. From CHROME, go to Setup and be sure the option New Tab for new page is cliked, also show home button and Google is the default search engine...delete ***** from extensions and ready, snap.do is out.
This website is malicious. It hacks your browser. AutoShun Malicious site Dr.Web Malicious site WOT Malicious site Webutation Malicious site Sources: ***** http://www.urlvoid.com/scan/search.snapdo.com/
hate this. It installed virus to my pc
Véritable poison dont je ne parviens pas à me débarrasser
It put maleware on my computer.
This one has visited me awhile back too. Long story short, keep away from it, eh! Ooops! And please forgive me for my Canadian Accent K!
Diese Seite wahr auf einmal da. Und lässt sich nicht mehr entfernen. Habe eine andere Suchmaschine als Standart eingegeben aber das kommt immer wieder. Und ich möchte diese seite nicht. Habe schon so viel versucht diese weg zu bekommen, aber diese Seite kommt immer wieder.
Scum of the earth. These lowlifes should be prosecuted to the hilt, and deserve every form of legal punishment short of crucifixion. Somewhere below the level of snake's bellies, they give vermin a bad name. I need to get an IT specialist to remove this hijack ware properly, it keeps coming back because it overwrites the Windows registry. If there's ever a class action lawsuit, count me in.
Snap Do does a "Sneak" install. That is, it installs itself without permission. And then makes itself your default search engine and home page. It also hijacks the default page when you open a new tab. Uninstalling the application and removing it from your computer is a long process of trial and error. Their FAQ that describes how to uninstall it is incomplete. According to their documentation, they track where you go for the purpose of "enhancing your user experience". I consider it a "SCAM" because of the sneak install. I consider it "Phishing" because it is tracking what sites I visit. I consider it a "Poor customer experience" because of the dificulty in uninstalling it. I consider it "Malware", because of the combined sneak install and difficult removal.
I just want to know how to remove it!! It's so hard to remove!
man kann das programm nicht deinstallieren. versteckt sich unter anderen namen am besten google chrome deinstallieren und neues konto erstellen. lg.plum
Keeps changing my homepage, tried multiple of times to get rid of it and keeps pissing me off when it changes back. If anyone has a solution please post.
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