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The people reviewing this site are technologically illiterate, it's designed for research purposes. I use it to find unsecured cameras of city areas, it's nothing really all that major.
Like the other commenters, they folks keep trying to port scan my server. They ignore robots.txt as well. I keep adding their IP addresses to my firewall in order to block this illegal nonsense.
Malicious attack site hosted by ***** engaged in port scanning and hacking attempts from IP address ***** / census7.shodan.io. Whois records show this attack site is owned by John Matherly of Austin,. Texas. This malicious port scanning site should be shut down (I don't care if the lowlife who owns this attack site which ignores robots.txt tries to sugar coat his bots malicious port scanning activity by calling it "research"), and companies like ***** that allow this attack bot to operate from their servers should be fined for allowing this activity. HACKER SITE BLOCKED IN FIREWALL FOR PORT SCANNING..
WTF? This *thing*, which I'd never heard of, is suddenly trying to access reserved parts of the operative system on my home computer. Then, tell me, if you really are a US search engine of sorts (IsP based in Chicago), WHY do you need an io domain registered in the "British Indian Ocean Territory" — boils down to Diego Garcia, which is a VERY, VERY BAD PLACE!!! Orig. posted Oct. 2014. Added March. 2015: on same day, attempts to access core system services from servers in Iceland and the USA.
9 fairly widely scattered IPs have been scanning most/all of my address space for the last 10-12 hours. i see no end in site. i do not think these people have friendly intentions. i have over 300 alerts so far. i do not think this is one bit funny.
I don't care if its "research". There are enough of these sites out there and I'm sick of them port scanning my servers without me giving them permission. They are used by hackers to find security holes and attack and there is no way (other than blocking them, but with how many there are of thses "research" sites, it hard to block them all) to stop them.
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