Le site tfp.org est-il sûr ?

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★ 2.9
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Basé sur 8 avis

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Has pieces like "10 Reasons Why Homosexual 'Marriage' is Harmful and Must be Opposed" which is not only tacky but also includes lines like "It Validates and Promotes the Homosexual Lifestyle". A little further down the page you can see such splendid reasoning presented such as the slippery slope argument which is just string of random baseless hypotheticals. Even if you somehow could overlook the overt homophobia, the article is atrocious and holds no water to anyone that can tie their own shoelaces.
This site does exactly what it says it does: resists the liberal, socialist and communist trends of the times and proudly affirms the positive values of tradition, family and property. It interesting to see that those who give this site a bad rating, seem to use Web of Trust as a way to demean those who hold a differing opinion. So much for tolerance.
No spam, unwanted pop-ups, or requests for personal information. It's a website with cultural, historical and Catholic resources and commentary. It has no foul language or indecent images and is very professional in its style and language. The group that runs it is hated by many political activists because of its strong moral positions in defense of tradition, family, and property.
I'm puzzled with the intolerant hateful comments left about this organization. They espouse no hatred toward anyone! It seems that some in our society are so immature that they label anyone who disagrees with them as hateful. Time to grow up children. So far, I give a positive thumbs up for TFP, keep up the objective articles based on doctrine, not emotion.
Very prejudice group spewing hatred including hate to the LGBT community.
"Christian" hate group: profoundly misogynistic, homophobic and transphobic.
The site does what it promises to do. Also just because they may not agree with everybody on everything does not mean they discriminate or hate people. I have always found them to be respectful even when discussing controversial topics.
This site has no viruses or spyware. It is a great site and I agree with many of their views. I haven't bought anything, but with so many wikipedia links a decent traffic rating, and a calm flare like it is not encouraging you to buy so much and no pop-ups in site, this site must be scam free
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