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I spend all day here
Не очень мне нравится веб-версия тик тока. Много отсуствующих функций, которые нужны для опубликования качественного видео. также есть недочеты - не работают все хештеги. Ну и еще нельзя отвечать на сообщение в лс тик тока, что очень усложняет.
Yeah, I know social media and the Internet can be very useful sources of information. But, sometimes, some unnecessary content will pop up, like Tik Tok. You know these dances and stupid memes, I haven`t found anything useful for me…
Content got worse, definitely. I am a regular user of TT since 2020, when the Corona hit the world and everyone started to scroll Tik Tok. Actually that year it became extremely popular and that year I joined it. Nowadays there is too much of propaganda, left one predominantly, LGBTQ, equality, and other propagandistic things are demonstrated through "funny" videos but children anyway absorb it easily and spoil their brains. I like watching informative videos, recipes, some interesting scientific facts, but not this crap, lol. I don't mind if it's an objective thing, like if there are facts, if there are rational conclusions and so on. But I hate when it's imposed like a normality. Sorry for my butthurt, I just want to lt you know that it's an interesting app, but be careful.
TikTok est une plateforme divertissante avec une grande variété de vidéos créatives et amusantes. Cependant, l'algorithme peut être frustrant, car il me montre souvent du contenu que je n'aime pas. De plus, la modération des commentaires laisse parfois à désirer, rendant l'expérience moins agréable.
I like when you can chill after the hard day at work. I`m glad that at the current time, we have access to any type of entertainment we want. Whether, you want to watch a movie, read an online book, listen to music, everything is available in your pocket,oh sorry, your smartphone. I didn`t like to spend much time on YT videos, so instead of this, we have know shorter alternative. I know the majority of content is intended for people with IQ50, but there are some interesting and adequate videos. It`s a cool option for just having rest in your favorite coach to remember how the happy life without work looks like
Сайт безопасный для техники, но для мозга - нет.
Bom, é um site ou um aplicativo que é seguro, mas não aconselho ficar vendo vários e vários videos curtos que não agregam em nada, trás alguns problemas como TDAH, pois videos curtos fazem que você não consiga ficar mais de 1 minuto prestando atenção em algo. Então não assista esse lixo
It’s a nice app but when I sit here for too long it gives me epilepsy:D I guess I am too old for this sh*t
The app is great, but the content lately has become a bit crazy… I can’t count the number of stupid videos I have watched… is there a way to make people improve their videos? Or at least not getting any attention…
Так весело человечество еще не деградировало никогда...
Отличное место, что потерять впустую свое время. Попадаешь сюда и начинаешь листать, листать, листать... Но зато не скучно)
Good luck guys with your work
super fun for quick, entertaining videos and discovering new trends. The algorithm does a great job of showing you content you'll like, but it can be a bit addictive.
Веселенькое место для веселеньких людей) Но много тут и таких, кому реально необходима психиатрическая помощь)
My whole family is addicted to the tik tok application and it seems there are a lot of people all over the world who can't live without tik tok right now. I remember when I was watching videos when tik tok was only created and all the videos were quite interesting to watch and thanks to this it helped me to expand my knowledge about different countries. However, the company made this application worse than before, starting to offer a lot of advertisements there and to be honest it is so inconvenient. I don’t know what they have done with the algorithm that the tik tok offer to watch useless videos and shame content. Of course, because of that all my family stopped to use the tik tok rarely but I hope the company will fix this situation!✌️
TikTok is probably the most popular social media platform at the moment and I remember when it was launched I used it also. There were a lot of interesting and educational videos but a while ago TikTok changed all the algorithms and there is a lot of scam advertising and nobody is controlling it including the company. I don’t know what happened but they should fix that and especially start to ban all scam bots and people who are posting negative videos about politics and many other things which are not related for useful content.
I actually like Tiktok, for the most paert. But sometimes the content is rather questionable from the usefulness standpoint. Some creators just make content to make content. I guess this is a downside of any social media but in tiktok it’s more pronounced. And also it’s chinese so we have to be careful with our personal data. China is known for its hacking and data collection.
I love watching tik tok videos every god day and to be honest I got addicted to it too much. Anyway, there are a lot of useful videos which I find handy and thanks to this I have learned many interesting things about businesses, finances and cooking. Yeah, I’m pretty serious about it, many people think that there are only useless and trash videos but come on guys, everything depends on your preferences and tik tok algorithms offer you to watch those videos which usually you are searching for in the search engine. I started to post some of my videos and got a few hundred subscribers and you know it is really a pleasure that other people are watching my videos also. Nevertheless, I don’t like that in the tik tok application there are a lot of advertisements pop up everywhere.
Мне очень нравится эта платформа. Короткие видео порой заставляют и посмеяться до слез, и призадуматься о жизни) Но тут никогда не бывает скучно. Затягивает и вызывает зависимость)
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