Le site truetolerance.org est-il sûr ?

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★ 2
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Sécurité pour les Enfants

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Basé sur 21 avis

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Why the helluva is this site rated yellow? There's nothing wrong with this site! It speaks truth.
Good site. Poor rating is another deceptive move to try to steer people away from what values and morals they wish to try to protect....yet again, deceptiveness on behalf of the homosexual community to attempt subversion of those who disagree.....sad.
Many biased ratings by those who choose to live the lifestyle of the unnatural and perverted. This website is safe!
The purpose of WOT is to evaluate a website with respect to 4 criteria. It is Trustworthy: I see nothing about his site which is linked to malware, advertising, phishing, or any of the other mal-behaviors seen on the web, which is the purpose of installing WOT. Vendor reliability: there is nothing regarding sales I see here for purchase, therefore this is not an area of commerce, causing me to distrust its vendor reputation, ergo, it gets a positive rating by default since there isn't a place for N/A. Privacy: again, nothing to indicate that there is any spying or misusing personally identifiable information here. Child Safety: I do not want my child exposed to homosexuality. This website supports that view. I have clicked everywhere and I see nothing that is unsafe for children. Therefore, this website gets 4+ in every category. The negative ratings come from others who disagree with the viewpoint who are giving every category a negative rating to discourage others from visiting the website. There should be some sort of oversight so that we can eliminate those who chose to abuse this service by negatively rating sites in every category which disagree with their personal viewpoint.
This site promotes dialogue and understanding. It is excellent.
True Tolerance as long as you agree with this particular religious view. Don't think there's any issue with the site itself just with the bigots who have produced it...
As so often, your ratings betray a bias against pro life, profamily resources
false witness see the critique at *****
I agree with others here who have voiced a concern that a site like this should be rated low just because some may not agree with the view expressed by the site. This site provides excellent information for educating yourself about a potentially divisive social issue. However, we would all do well to look at both sides of the issue. But don't rate a site or vendor as untrustworthy just because you don't agree with their side of the issue. The vendor IS reliable and Trustworthy; this site IS Safe for Children, and they respect your Privacy issues. Let's use MyWOT as it is intended; not to espouse our own views.
Why are people giving a low rating on "vendor reliability" as if there is a defect in shipping of a product or something? This site provides nothing but factual information and people voting negative on categories here seem to have a motivation to discredit the site so that the site registers as "untrusted" because this site exposes what they do.
Helpful website for clearly viewing ethical issues.
This site mocks the attempts to make kids safe. These people are bigoted and dangerous to society. By continuing to spread their false beliefs they are getting blood on their hands.
I agree with ChickenMama. The ratings are supposed to reflect its software trustworthiness, vender reliability consistency, privacy, and child safety. If anything, 'child safety' should be the only rating that's low (which I didn't give the highest of scores). Ironic how most of those who preach tolerance of homosexuality (and many other social reform lobby groups) are actively intolerant of people who's opinions differ from their own. Even if the another party is actively intolerant, you are still a hypocrite in being intolerant of their intolerance.
The website has the purpose of removing anti-bulling rules in schools which defend gays, lesbians, transsexuals, and so on. I would be fine with a site which is anti-gay, but a site which suggest that they don't have a right to be protected from sexual bullying is simply hateful. If this website was defending demanding that anti-bullying rules that protect straight people be removed, it would have a low rating, so why not the other way around?
Homosexuality is unethical and criminal behavior, so a site like this that exposes the lies of the homosexual lobby is ethical. Anybody who posts a low rating here on Ethical issues needs a reality check.
Yeash! Come on! I thought you were supposed to rate something depending on how trustworthy it is, not whether it agrees or disagrees with your point of view! My idea of ethical issues is that a site will single out a certain race, gender, or view point, and insult that race, gender, or viewpoint. This site does not do that! This is the first time I ever disagreed with WOT.
It's a hate site with a very deceptive name. It has nothing at all to do with tolerance.
They are a bigoted site that is insulting and offends me on a personal level, but they do not seem to pose a threat to the average browser of the site.
I find no reason for the rating given. No privacy issue or hostile scripts, nothing. They are providing factual information about an issue.
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