Le site vatican.va est-il sûr ?

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Невозможно было бы оценить в таких деталях фрески эпохи Возрождения Микеланджело, Боттичелли, Перуджино в реальности, очень впечатлен.
Official site of Pope Francis.
Good web site with important information.
Best web site on the internet.
Official Vatican website (.va) for the State of Vatican. State and Catholic official website. No problem. Site in English, French, Italian and German, can be also Latin and other languages. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Site officiel du Vatican (.va) pour l'état du Vatican. Etat et site web Catholique officiel. Aucun problème. Site en Anglais, Français, Italien et Allemand, peut être le latin aussi et d'autres langues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Offizielle Vatikan-Website (.va) für den Staat der Vatikan. Staat und katholische offiziellen Website. Kein Problem. Site in Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch und Deutsch, kann auch Latein und andere Sprachen. (Maschinenübersetzung). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sito ufficiale del Vaticano (.va) per lo Stato del Vaticano. Stato e sito ufficiale cattolica. Nessun problema. Sito in inglese, francese, italiano e tedesco, può essere anche latino e altre lingue. (Traduzione automatica).
Google AI linked to this after I claimed that he was telling lies.
Es gibt so viel zu bestaunen im Vatican.
This site seems to have an exhaustive library of the letters and speeches written by the past 11 Catholic popes, for free public viewing, as well as vatican news items. I don't think I would use the news section, but the collection of encyclicals would likely be a useful reference tool for understanding more about this (labyrinthine) religion. No viruses, no explicit images.
Der Vatikan ist doch ziemlich beeindruckend.
Never mind the part about raping all of those kids- although I can only wonder who the heck is giving it green ratings for child safety!?!?!? The other reason why it got a red flag are those horrendous dialog popups. They aren't necessarily dangerous but if you turn the script off you don't quite get to experience the full agony of this horrific site.
offizielle Seite des Vatikan
The Pope asked his followers to cover up child abuse. They are a danger to children the world over.
Family-friendly, Christian teaching. Love and Truth.
Sodomising young boys is not good. you are sick perverted people. Also stop proselytising heathen masses from the third world.
covered up child abuse. ugly. This is what they say about porn: 2° the acquisition, possession, or distribution by a cleric of pornographic images of minors under the age of fourteen, for purposes of sexual gratification, by whatever means or using whatever technology; They really think its ok for some of their preachers to have porn with 15 year olds in it? Seriously vatican?
Massenhafter Mißbrauch von Schutbefohlenen, ein rückwärtsgewandter Papst, der von der Zeit vor dem zweiten vatikanischen Konil träumt, sicherer Hort von Kinderschändern usw. Dazu ein Pomp und Prunk, der den einfachen Mann Jesus von Nazareth am Verstand seiner Nachfolger zweifeln lassen würde.
Official website of the Vatican (Italian: Vaticano), and about Pope Benedict XVI.
Don't give your money to vatican.va, they are rich enough. It's better if you help scientific research.
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