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Offering likes or followers in social media
WARNING: This is a social networking site related scam. Sites such as this one typically claim to sell friends/followers/views/etc., which of course are fake. See here: *****
This site allows you to get FB likes, comments and the like using a point system. The more points you have, the more you will get. There are two ways of getting points: a) By liking and commenting b) By purchasing the points Despite this, the site owner adamantly claims they do not sell anything and that no money whatsoever is involved. What is more, they are demanding the WOT users who objected to their site's operation to remove their comments and they are threatening to pursue legal actions. Because of all this, I would NOT recommend this site.
Fraud, the site sells fake twitter/tumblr/pinterest followers, facebook likes/fans, youtube views, tweets for positioning and good reputation. See: *****
wonderful information about this site thanks for sharing.
Excellent website
youlikefans.net is a scam site.
Réponse de youlikefans.netil y a 12 ans
Absolutly wrong and you should inform yourself about our Clean and high quality Social Media Exchange Website Tool. This comment is misinformation and also your other Posts should be deleted because you have no knowledge about using/offering Social Media Tools/Campaigns. We are also POWERSELLER WITH FULL RATED STARS ON EBAY AND PEOPLE GIVE US ALWAYS 100% POSTIVE COMMENT/RATING ON EBAY MARKETPLACE BECAUSE THIS ARE ALL REAL USERS! You are not welcome and delete this comment because this comment is against policy and our lawyer was also contacted!
youlikefans.net is a scam site. Buy Facebook Likes & Twitter Followers scam WHOIS: http://whois.domaintools.com/youlikefans.net DNS: http://dns.robtex.com/youlikefans.net DNS: http://bgp.he.net/dns/youlikefans.net
Réponse de youlikefans.netil y a 12 ans
Absolutly wrong and you should inform yourself about our Clean and high quality Social Media Exchange Website Tool. This comment is misinformation and also your other Posts should be deleted because you have no knowledge about using/offering Social Media Tools/Campaigns. We are also POWERSELLER WITH FULL RATED STARS ON EBAY AND PEOPLE GIVE US ALWAYS 100% POSTIVE COMMENT/RATING ON EBAY MARKETPLACE BECAUSE THIS ARE ALL REAL USERS! You are not welcome and delete this comment because this comment is against policy and our lawyer was also contacted!
SCAM "buy real" Facebook / Twitter / Google / YouTube / etc social networking "likes" / "friends" / "followers" / site "traffic" / forum "posts" / blog "replies" re: ***** DNS: http://dns.robtex.com/youlikefans.net.html DNS: http://bgp.he.net/dns/youlikefans.net
Réponse de youlikefans.netil y a 12 ans
Absolutly wrong and you should inform yourself about our Clean and high quality Social Media Exchange Website Tool. This comment is misinformation and also your other Posts should be deleted because you have no knowledge about using/offering Social Media Tools/Campaigns. We are also POWERSELLER WITH FULL RATED STARS ON EBAY AND PEOPLE GIVE US ALWAYS 100% POSTIVE COMMENT/RATING ON EBAY MARKETPLACE BECAUSE THIS ARE ALL REAL USERS! You are not welcome and delete this comment because this comment is against policy and our lawyer was also contacted!
Good site and free
Excellent website ,, keep it up
its a good site,i like it
Really very good website and user informative, Excellent!!
trang web hay lam
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