Prejudice and manipulation with facts, history, and truth. Abuse of facts and calculated dissemination of misinformations, false facts, false history and false theories.
Hate-speech and history revision !
Fear-mongering, hate-mongering, war-mongering, racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, chauvinism, ethnic hatred, nationalism, fascism.
Most of all bolster and promote violence between ethnic, religious and cultural groups, and promote and endorse so called "clash of civilization" theory.
Finally, using American conservative mask to camouflage Greater Serbian ethnic and nationalistic ideology, ethnic cleansing and genocide !
Interestingly, American Christian conservatives buy into this manipulation !
There is nothing wrong with this site, period! Just because you disagree with it doesn't mean the site needs a bad rating you dumb ignorant leftist dummies!!
He states that this is his opinion. I see someone commented that the information was incorrect. If so, please tell us what part is incorrect or false. Just saying it is so doesn't make it so. Feel free to disagree with the opinion, but don't say the site is bad just because you disagree.