What is with you people? This site is neither malicious or unsafe. Yes it advertises under your photos, that's the whole point of the application. I've used the site and application before and there are no problems with it.
It doesn't spam, that I know of and once you post the image and tag your friends you can just remove the app anyways.
The app is designed to be fun and entertaining.
Some people need to lighten up.
I'm not sure how this site has such a low rating. I have used it numerous times and haven't had any problems. Its a great Facebook application. SafetySam approved.
your friends may not love that a 3rd party application has just collated their FB profile photo for all of posterity... and for all of your friends to see. they MIGHT have some people blocked on your friends list that now get to see their photo thanks to this application. it's REALLY facebook's privacy issues that apps like these simply exploit. of course, i didn't go looking closer to see if there are more serious issues. this is enough for me to want to block it.
This site is child-safe. I have gotten a few emails from facebook because my friends did the app but I get emails when my friends do alot of apps. This app seems totally fine and should have a higher rating.
It has actually placed pics of people UNKNOWN to the user from their FRIENDS' friend-lists into collages...
this is getting not only YOUR info, but your friends' info as well...
NOT cool!
just HAVING a Privacy Policy does *not* necessarily make someone 'legit'. "
i can screen shot right now no less than six collages i was tagged in, all done by FriendMatrix, that include people NEVER KNOWN by the user, but known only by their friends. Two of the collages included someone they DID NOT KNOW and WHO HAD DIED OVER 2 YEARS AGO. (A mutual friend has a photo in her personal fb photo albums tagged with the deceased person--the users whose collages were created with the deceased person in them *do not and have never known them*!)
perhaps they need to double check their software and what it genuinely accesses? at best it seems like a serious glitch...
It works, it is accurate (so far as I know), and has no spam/advertisements other than the logo in the "friendmatrix" and the album it creates. No viruses, trojans, worms, bots, etc.
@cateye27: "It could have anything from viruses to Trojans."
I agree. It COULD have these. But I have not had these problems. If you are scared by this possibility, don't surf the web, use Facebook, or have an email account.
darkEYE - |wigglerthefish|
It advertises itself under your Facebook photos. This looks like more of the never ending Facebook spam. Do not trust this website. It could have anything from viruses to trojans, malware, etc. Be careful