Bis zum Rubrik "Nudity" Ist diese Websites nicht schlecht.
In der rubrik "Nudity" werden viele Illegale Fotografie sowie u.a. Kinderpornographie getauscht, die mit Passwort geschützt sind. übrigens stimmen die passwörter meist überein nicht, wie es deklariert sind. Es treiben viele dubiose sachen herum.
Finger weg!
Wide range of images - useful to check out a strange town before deciding whether to visit it for a holiday, for example.
Some on here claim it contains pornography, but this word has such wide ranging definitions that it becomes meaningless.
Whatever, users will only find the images that they enter a search for!!!
I found this site when looking for something else, and all the images that came up from this site were of nude, or nearly nude, children. When I clicked on the link to see if the site was specifically child porn or a general image-sharing site, my malware program prevented that, saying it blocked a virus.
A fair amount of porn, specifically child pornography (which is illegal in most countries, including the United States and Russia), but an otherwise... "Okay" site.
Site affiliated with ***** which has a poor rating. (spyware) As far as child porn goes, it isn't the site's fault some members abuse the service, any more than it's photobucket's fault some users upload porn or illegal content. Inappropriate images are quickly deleted. Beyond that, the site is run by overzealous control freaks who frequently ban accounts for no comprehensible reason. So if you want a good site to host your photos I suggest you look elsewhere, or better still, build your own site. I say this because I hate invalid censorship, which is now alarmingly prevalent on the internet.
The site itself is not a specific cp-site, but a large online meeting place for pedophiles and other child-lovers, who swap their "material" via emails and/or fileshare-websites such as gigatribe and/or rapidshare.
It contains lots of boy and girl model-sets in defiinite poses and collections of child-photographs and pictures, gathered from all accessible sources, - plus the accompanying coments, which leaves absolutely no doubt of what sort of people the site's members and visitors are.
For registering only a valid email-address is required, and even if the account will be locked and deleted, due to "violation/s" of the site's rules, that doesn't necessarily mean to be generally banned from the site.
A new email-address means a new account.
This website was once founded by a widely known pedophile, nicknamed SkinnyBravo, who was/is closely related to the banned child porn website, which is now redirected to ***** (a general gay website).
First off, there is no CP on this site -- there are nude photos, but none of them are sexually explicit. That's the legal line between "nude" and "porn". Even then, they're technically not allowed per site rules.
Also there are ads on the site which engage in spyware and junk, but this can be remedied with a registration.