Hello everyone - my name is Scott Anderson; I founded and operate Kalamazoo County Resource Nexus, which owns this website; KCRN connects individuals with social services in the Kalamazoo County, MI area related (but not limited) to unemployment, disabilities, veterans, medical care, and homelessness.
It is currently considered malware and phishing free by McAfee SECURE and has an EV-SSL verifying KCRN's existence (via government records), ownership of the website, and similar data.
For now, since I care for the website/organization, I'm going to abstain from providing a rating. If you have any questions, comments, or a resource to suggest, please contact me!
~ Scott
Seems to be safe website now.
The website uses EV SSL Cert and this proves at least that the owner has big authority regarding the content.
I checked it for malwares, viruses and it seems to be OK.
The privacy policy is OK as well.
Not rating at this time.