While I did not discover porn on the site, I found features and navigation cumbersome and useless. Children using the site will find choices that are confusing or inappropriate. Adults will be frustrated as well. A search for "local food" in Louisville, KY results in no restaurant chains, a Walgreens drug store, and three local food pantries.
Good site! Reminds me of Pointroll. Don't know whether it has any association with it. Anyways, the site has an awesome homepage design, completely user friendly. I like the blog design as well. Quite different. The map feature on the homepage is unique.
This is an interesting site. I get to see news, businesses, and a quick bio of the place I type in. I found it pretty useful. The layout was still a bit annoying and cluttered but I would consider this site something I would check out from time to time.
Not sure why this is negative at all. I remember this site being around since the beginning of the internet as we know it. It was helpful then and looks like they have kept up with the times pretty well. I didn't even realize it was still around, but it looks like it is still going strong