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This test turns out to be highly accurate,and the better your self-assessment capabilities, the more accurate the result. Plus there is a cornucopia of additional information available to study that sheds some interesting insights on each personality type and that can be used to corroborate the result of the test.
While it doesn't take the cognitive functions of MBTI into account, it's still a good and fairly accurate test to take. Most of the time you'll get a good result. It is completely free of malware or scams. Before you buy the "profiles", I do suggest that you look further into the theory. It types by letter, so there are some flaws in it. It's a very interesting website and theory and I recommend it to everyone. While it's family friendly, children might not get as accurate a result, since they're still developing and may not understand the questions.
this site feels incredibly usefull, informative and accurate
Excellent test to see your personality type. Many claim it's extremely accurate, almost spot on. I took the test, and the results appear to be accurate.
Well designed site that is packed with amazingly accurate free information. They make money working with corporations and selling "in-depth" profiles, which must be something to behold considering the quality and depth of what is available for free.
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