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ORDURE aux Sites totalement ILLÉGAUX, aux FAUSSES mentions légales, en WHOIS caché comme d'habitude chez les ESCROCS qui balancent des POURRIELS à répétition pour du PHISHING puis du SCAM ! A FUIR immédiatement de telles raclures de bidet... GARBAGE in the TOTALLY ILLEGAL Sites, with FALSE legal notice, in WHOIS hidden as usual at the SWINDLERS which rocks repeated SPAMS for the PHISHING then the SCAM ! To RUN AWAY FROM immediately such scrapings of bidet ... SCHMUTZ in den völlig UNGESETZLICHEN Websiten, ohne eine gesetzliche Erwähnung, im versteckten WHOIS wie gewöhnlich bei den BETRÜGERN, die POURRIELS in Wiederholung für den PHISHING dann SCAM schaukelt ! Sofort solche Späne von Bidet zu VERMEIDEN... МУСОР в полностью НЕЗАКОННЫХ участках, без любого юридического уведомления, в WHOIS, скрытом как обычно в ЖУЛИКАХ, который трясет повторный SPAMS для PHISHING затем ЖУЛЬНИЧЕСТВО ! ИЗБЕГАТЬ немедленно таких очисток биде.... 垃圾中的完全非法的站点,而不受任何法律通告,在 WHOIS 中隐藏的象往常, 的岩石 重复 SPAMS 的网络钓鱼然后骗局 ! 为避免(逃亡)立即这样的 scrapings 的坐浴盆...
After being a decent customer setting up paypal for auto-renewal to an account that is always funded, 1and1 did not process the auto renewal, no reminders sent and the domain was lost, when i called the day the domain dropped i was told to pay a reclaimation fee for 500 euros like WTF, i set up auto-renewal secificly and worked well for previous year! thier customer care is shit and they just push for exorbatant fees... ended up wasting energy to to try and claim back the domain as it was my brand name they screwed my business project over and i had to resort to buying another domain tld and trying to contact each publisher in SEO work i had done to try and update the backlinks years of work down the drain.... steer clear of this malicious company.
They just killed all my data, that was on their cloud. They debited my money, then terminated my account. And still sending invoices.
I just wanted to take the opportunity to rate this fine example of what ISPs/hosts should not be doing. One of my employees received a spam/phishing mail: From the message header: ***** ([]). "Request...". IP traces to 1&1 Internet Inc. Kansas City. ***** is a free Web mail service, prime source for spammers. HPHosts lists the current IP as ***** "www.mail.com". Keep up the work, 1and1, maybe some day, whoever is in charge will get a clue, the money ain't worth it. More GMX spam: From the message header: ***** ([]). IP is traced to 1&1 Internet AG,Karlsruhe Germany. The domain has been around since 1998, and updated last month. 1&1 is both the registrar and the contact. More spam: And more spam ... "Make Big Money from Home". Header: (wonderree.org) ( Domain has expired. And .... "Special Dine" (Supposedly from Red Lobster - none in Maine). Message header: (EHLO dafatirsmudge.com) ( WTF? Blacklisted. More spam: "New Computer Alert" Header: (EHLO mout.perfora.net) ( Also, link references "wildatlanticwaydaytours.com". (Supposedly, someone is accessing my PayPal account). Actually, someone is using 1and1 Webmail to spam.
they keep sending me debt collection emails despite the fact that i purchased a domain using a nearly empty credit card, and as such i didn't expect it to be a reoccurring payment.. they also will never cancel your subscription, the only way to avoid them is to do what i did and quit paying for them and delete their spam emails.
Не связываться, отвратительно работают.
This site is a source of spam (martuy.com) and spam for illegal RX sites. See: ***** I must consider this domain to be hostile.
Sites d'ordures travaillant avec des spammeurs ! ***** (entre autres)
The site let my domain expire and never told me it was up for renewal. When I asked about it they said it wasn't set for auto renew and thats why it expired. They never said why they informed me it was about to expire. I will never use this company again.
Redirected here after misspelling ***** as pegi.us!
SPAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apparently this is the feast of site creations including fake sites for spam, scams, advertising to sell us their crap and pollute the planet with electric resources wasted! F*cking capitalism! F*ck OVH and other spamer's hosts! And address of sh*t again! One day, the number of Internet domains used for SPAM extensively exceed the number of useful internet domains, like the number of SPAM received which represents 90% of e-mails that are received in the world! The capitalists are real r*tten! Proof here: ***** /!\ A VERY IMPORTANT TIP /!\ : DON'T CLICK ON ANYLINK IN A SPAM, INCLUDING THE UNSUSCRIBE LINK, BECAUSE YOU WOULD CONFIRM THAT YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS IS VALID, TO BETTER SPAMMING YOU, this r*ttenness is very contagious with illegal resale data, unofficially legal in corrupt countries, including France! "
Renouvellement automatique des domaines sans rien demander.
This is an inexpensive registrar (about half the price of godaddy). The site is not as user friendly as it might be, but I did not find any malware on my computer after using this site many times.
They're alright as long as you don't cancel. But oh! when you try to leave they will act a dayum fool! I canceled autorenewal of my domains and now they are sending me debt collection emails & snail mail all over the place. They have no right - I canceled the service fair & square! I contacted them by email and thought the nonsense had come to a stop - but then a couple weeks later they send me 3 debt collection emails in the same day!!! I would encourage everyone toSTAY AWAY from 1and1. They are a shady scam company with ridiculous customer service!
Hosts child pornography. Also closes your domain when you just registered it
They tried to bring my father to court. Not sure the exact details but I do know this: Do not use 1&1! Use another web hosting service.
WOW. Where do I begin?!? I missed ONE payment on one domain that I no longer wanted. Because their control panel is poorly written and their terms and conditions are (apparently) well written, that somehow gives them the authority to not only lock/freeze my account BUT ALSO BOUNCE ALL EMAILS COMING INTO ANY OF MY ACCOUNTS. WHAT KIND OF B.S. IS THIS?!???!!?!??!?!?!? I AM CONSIDERING A LAWSUIT AGAINST THEM NOW...
Poor customer service. Domain paid for but not renewed by 1&1 who then refused refund. Bad experience all round. Moved to a diffrent host/registra.
Registrar of rogue pharmacies: *****
Never signed up with them getting phone calls and email.
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