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A company located in Russia - registrar: NAUNET-REG-RIPN - accepts service contracts from criminals for Russian (.ru) domain names. They are sinking Russia's reputation to an all time low. In August a spam trap report showed 96% - 435 of 454 domains appearing in email which are registered at NAUNET-REG-RIPN were spammed in the previous 5 days. A sample of spammed domains shows they are for criminal Russian fraud sites at - The Canadian Rx Drugs (aka The US Drugs) - Canadian Pharmacy - Diamond Replicas - Dr.Maxman - Ultimate Replicas - Illegal gambling casinos - ViaGrow - ViagPure Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Examples Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** ***** Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** Before you entrust your credit card to these Russian criminals, read the evidence and decide whether the gamble is worth it. You can contact this crime sponsoring registrar by ***** with a copy to the RU CERT at ***** ***** authorizes Dynamic Dolphin. Spammer Central! ICANN accredits them. Despite previous prosecutions and heavy fines, Scott Richter still plies his spam "bizness". Why has ICANN accredited registrar Dynamic Dolphin? 100% - 34 of 34 active domains appearing in email which are registered at DYNAMIC DOLPHIN, INC. were listed by a spam trap in the last 5 days. The guilty contact is listed as Jenny Frederick Tel: ***** Email: ( EVIDENCE OF CRIMINAL OWNERSHIP: ***** This company takes orders from customers to provide domain names on a service contract. However, the spam trap report shows that they are being used exclusively by spammers! The evidence is an open and shut case. By accrediting this registrar, ICANN is complicit in these criminal operations. ICANN's accreditation process is ridiculous. ICANN can not turn its back and disclaim responsibility. Ex New Zealand lawyer Peter Dengate Thrush is ultimately responsible for ICANN's action (or inaction). He needs to ask some serious questions about the acceditation process. From: ***** "Dynamic Dolphin is owned by a company called CPA Empire, which in turn is owned by Media Breakaway LLC. The CEO of Media Breakaway is none other than Scott Richter, the once self-avowed "Spam King" who claims to have quit the business. Anti-spam groups also have recently implicated Media Breakaway in the alleged hijacking of more than 65,000 Internet addresses for use in sending e-mail and hosting commercial Web sites. Microsoft sued him as "one of the top spammers in the world" and settling for $7 million in damages. Richter agreed to comply with anti-spam laws and ***** became Media Breakaway, which was promptly sued by MySpace for spamming. MySpace was awarded $1.2 million in fees and $4.8 million in damages in 2008. Dynamic Dolphin is a reseller of registrar services offered by an Indian company called Direct Information PVT Ltd. - also known as Directi and Directi was the second most popular registrar among spammers who used" Directi needs to cancel this obviously known criminal reseller - *****
A company located in Russia - registrar: NAUNET-REG-RIPN - accepts service contracts from criminals for Russian (.ru) domain names. They are sinking Russia's reputation to an all time low. In August a spam trap report showed 96% - 435 of 454 domains appearing in email which are registered at NAUNET-REG-RIPN were spammed in the previous 5 days. A sample of spammed domains shows they are for criminal Russian fraud sites at - The Canadian Rx Drugs (aka The US Drugs) - Canadian Pharmacy - Diamond Replicas - Dr.Maxman - Ultimate Replicas - Illegal gambling casinos - ViaGrow - ViagPure Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Examples Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** ***** Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** Before you entrust your credit card to these Russian criminals, read the evidence and decide whether the gamble is worth it. You can contact this crime sponsoring registrar by ***** with a copy to the RU CERT at *****
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