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UPDATE 20110321: This site has worked very hard to strengthen privacy with the use of TRUSTe. Ratings moved up accordingly. Mistakes can be made, especially in beta testing. UPDATE 20100426: To be fair, I have to adjust my rating a little after learning more about the incident. It turns out, that only a few beta testers from months ago had credit card details posted. ORIGINAL: Wow! I just tried the Google search after reading the following article [] and saw multitudes of credit card numbers. As a developer, I don't think they did this maliciously as it was probably just a (very big) mistake. However, it is completely unacceptable to release such a privacy destroying bug without proper testing, which will severely damage their reputation.
Nothing wrong with the site.
I work for Blippy. We take our user's privacy very seriously and take significant actions to ensure that every user's data is safe and secure. In recognition of these actions we have third party security certifications from TRUSTe, Verisign, and McAfee.
They have taken actions to protect identity and privacy
It's a scary concept to some, but I think someone interested and willing to sign up has a general idea of what they're getting into.
Everyone giving it a red rating is paranoid and uninformed. It's a perfectly safe site -- the data leak concerned FOUR /BETA/ users from LONG before the site launch! Give it up and stop scaring away people who'd want to actually use it.
Regardless what one thinks about disclosing ones purchases I wouldn't recommend the use of their site. The fact that they have disclosed user's credit card numbers and it took months to get the data removed should make one have some serious questions about trusting them. See ***** or *****
Credit card and Google search tracking website/cookie.
Wow, just read ***** I wouldn't touch these guys with a 10-feet spear.
A good service for people who USE it
@locust: if you don't like, don't use it. The site doesn't seem to be deceitful, so I think it deserves good ratings.
Datenschutzaktivistin Rena Tangens: "Wer da mitmacht, verdient kein Mitleid. Diese Leute dürfen sich nicht beschweren, wenn etwas Schlimmes mit ihren Daten passiert" Noch sind es vor allem Kaplans Landsleute (usa,Anm.d. Aut.), die sich für den neuen Dienst begeistern lassen.[..]In Deutschland ist Blippy hingegen noch ein Geheimtipp. Weil die Online-Registrierkasse bislang nur amerikanische Kreditkarten unterstützt, ist der Dienst hierzulande auf Einkäufe bei bestimmten Kaufhäusern limitiert: Amazon und der iTunes-Store werden unterstützt, auch das Ebay-Bezahlsystem Paypal ist mit von der Partie. In allen drei Fällen muss der Nutzer seine kompletten Zugangsdaten angeben - sehr zum Ärger von Daten- und Verbraucherschützern. *****
Kunde wird zum gläserenen Kunden, Tätigkeit, Hobbies, alles wird veröffentlicht. Man verliert völlig (u.unnötig) die Privatsphäre. You´ll lose your privacy!
Pointless site. I would not recommend signing up for this.
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