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nur für die ellite! ein der geilsten sites die ich kenne.
The new owner of 4chan recently started running malicious ads. Please be careful
This is the official site for 4chan forums, where people can post opinions as they please. However, there is many adult/inappropriate content on this site, so website users must proceed with caution, especially if they are under 18.
Good site but contains (anonymous) user generated content so always be cautious what to trust. Some boards may contain adult content or gore (potentially on NSFW boards as wel).
Fantastic site with lots of interesting boards, which however are sometimes not all too thorough managed.
Of course the website isn't meant for children, it says in the rules that you have to be 18+ to browse it.
oh boy, what do i have to say about this place. the homepage should be avoided because of adware and redirects. certain boards contain NSFW material and racism.
4chan is a rather controversial forum, and rightly so. It can feature gruesome images and far-right commentary. Overall though, the site is safe. Your IP is publicly viewable however I believe.
Not for anyone under 18. It's clearly stated on the page.
A safe website for your grandchildren and children alike to visit.
Âmes sensibles s'abstenir. Mais alors fortement.
This is known as 4chan. I think that's enough to say about this place.
Good site. It has controversial content, but overall it's awesome.
Moderators do a piss-poor job of removing child pornography from boards that aren't tops in activity. I genuinely believe this website is now an FBI honeypot, otherwise it would have been taken down a long time ago.
Пользуюсь этим сайтом, тут безопасно, много полезных функций, смело можно использовать.
A zone of nearly complete free speech and unfortunately this offends some people. Not for kids or kid-like adults.
I got aids from just visiting this website.
If you haven't already heard of this site, tread carefully. Use common sense, and don't take anything here too seriously. They don't even take themselves seriously. Make sure you read the FAQ and rules if you plan on posting. A great place to waste time at. "Work-safe" boards tend to have relatively decent community.
4chan is by far a website that can be considered grossly inappropriate, immoral, and despicable to many people. However, the content of this site is so varied and offensive because unlike most websites, it provides virtual anonymity to the user and permits said user almost complete freedom of expression and opinion. While I do not recommend this website to anyone (and not only because of Rules 1 & 2), I do believe that this is one of, if not the, freest forums for discussion and conversation on the Internet. If you are someone who can tolerate copious and gratuitous amounts of pornography, gore, violence, offensive humor, and obscenities, you may just make it in 4chan. Just so long as you can tolerate child pornography, animal abuse, bestiality, scatophilia, and other various grotesque paraphilias, you may find this place not so bad. And lastly, if you can withstand a near-constant onslaught of racism, bigotry, contentiousness, trolling, hate speech, and unwarranted intolerance, then you very well may be able to push past the hellhole that is 4chan and see its true beauty. If you cannot, however, then stay away. Far, far away.
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