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This site has received negative ratings.. so I'm still a little on the fence. But after looking up reviews and its history, I think it may be okay. They've been around for years, and seem to have a well-documented site. Looks pretty legit. One odd thing was I initially found them from an strange version of the site I found on ***** (full URL I forget)... but everytime I tried to go there I was automatically redirected elsewhere. When I finally clicked on a link on the custom dropship page on *****, I was able to stay on their version of the dropship pages... but eventually AVG caught a problem called "JS/Redir" which I take to mean a suspicious automatic redirect, using Javascript. That may or may not be scary.. in any event, it was on the URL that happened.. not on ***** or I'm thinking this should be a good site. Unfortunate that just a few bad reviews (that may or may not be authoritative) can cause so many red WOT marks everytime you see this site referenced. It's probably ok.
This company is legitimate and no reason it should be getting a red warning based on a anonymous rating. WOT needs to stop this based on hersay without investigation. I would not recommend WOT or use it anymore noy fair to businesses to ruin them over one persons so called opinion. If you look at other reviews they are 99 percent posiive for this company. Shame of WOT
Counterfeit goods scam from China selling copyright infringing items. Usually you get some low quality junk, or very often nothing, and they just steal your money.
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