Удаляйте этих мразей и блокируйте своими антивирусами как их сайты так и их ПО
Тут инструкция по удалению:
Владельцы delta-search находятся тут
дайте и туда отзыв свой что вы все про их ПО думаете !!!
Attention si vous êtes pris par la page d’accueil Delta Search!!!!! Ne pas naviguer!!!!, télécharger AdwCleaner et nettoyer cette crasse!!! Désinstaller WebCake et Lollipop dans vos programmes via la désinstallation windows.
Malware, malware, malware. Internet Explorer 10 removes this extension automatically. Resets Firefox to it's factory setting. Changes homepage and adds useless toolbar. Also must be removed from Chrome. Avoid this site and remove it via individual browser and Control Panel. Make sure you also remove BrowserDefender and the Chrome version, they are all the same program.
If a program installs this search hijacker on to your computer, look up how to remove it on www.malwaretips.com.
Continuing to use ***** is hard, as it constantly redirects your searches to ads.
This website is a copycat of Google. When Delta Search is included on some installer (even if you uncheck it) it installs a toolbar and sets Delta Search as the search engine and homepage of the browser. It's also infected with malware, so stay away from this website.
Be careful when installing programs with installers since they may contain Delta Search. If you see an installer with Delta Search as an optional choice, exit the installer. Even if you uncheck that thing it's still gonna hijack your browser.
Analisamos mais de 2 milhões de sites e contamos. O WOT é uma extensão leve projetada para ajudá-lo a navegar com rapidez e segurança. Ele limpará seu navegador, o acelerará e protegerá suas informações privadas.