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Site offers illegal power leveling in MMO games.
This site is horrible, they take your money first, than hit you with hidden policies. The policies are so intrusive. They ask for so much informations, enough to commit identity theft. The customer service will not help you at all. After they take your money, you can'tget a refund even if you don't agree with the policies. Basicly they take your money, and you get nothing. You can try to fight it on paypal, but they will give you the run around and refuse refund. When you do ask for a refund, they say sorry friend manager is not here , we will let him know you want refund, you should get refund within 12-24 hr. After 24 hr you get nothing, Now you ask customer service whats going on? Why is there no refund? They say You dont do what we say we wont refund. Now they try to extort personal information from you. Buyer beware Do not!!! buy from diablo3walmart.com Some of you maybe reading what do i do, if i'm in this situation. If your use credit card, call you credit card company to reverse charge it. If you use Bankaccount with paypal, file dsispute with both service about diablowalmart.com. Odds are your bank will get your money back before paypal will. Last but not least do not be tempted to close dispute when they tell you what u want to hear, Don't close it untill you get your item or your money first. than close it. Closing before you accomplish your goal, will close the dispute for good, and cannot be reopen.
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