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spamming spammers spamming spamtraps gumfart gang Passive DNS for NS1.DNSGOOFY.COM Records found: 314
Pharmacy Express scam Re: *****
Fake online pharmacy. Ref *****
Útil is an illegal pharmacy run by Russian criminals. See criminal evidence at ***** These crooks will steal your identity and credit card if you give it to them. You can complain about and the illegal Name Servers used to the registrars responsible. Complain with the free template generator at ***** adding a link to this page under evidence. Dirty IP address currently used for hosting and contact for the owner responsible ***** Sun Network (Hong Kong) Limited Internet Service Provider in Hong Kong e-mail: ***** Email a blackhole request for this illegal IP address with a link here for evidence
WARNING: This is an illegal pharmacy scam, Trademark Infringement and Credit Card fraud site. The criminals call this one “Pharmacy Express.” Everything about this site is fraudulent, including the name which they stole from the legitimate Pharmacy Express located in New Zealand. These criminals do not care about your health. Their sole purpose is to rob you of your financial identity. These criminals use botnets and hijacked computers to send their spam. They are known distributors of malware. Do not believe anything they say. Why would anyone give credit card information to criminals? Do not become their next victim. See Here: ***** ***** *****
Identity theft / credit card abuse / health hazard SCAM - Fake online pharmacy enter no information, attempt no transaction re: ***** re: ***** DNS: DNS:
One of the thousands of past, present and future identical websites for "Pharmacy Express." Why do they need thousands of different sites instead of having one site and developing a recognizable web address and loyal clientele? Because this is not a real pharmacy. It's run by a bunch of Russians filling in for their buddy who is in prison for raping mentally handicapped girls from a local orphanage. There are no pharmacists involved, and they don't even sell to other Russians because if they scammed citizens of their own country, they would be arrested, too. They can promise all they want about reshipping stuff that gets lost, damaged, or seized in customs, but you won't be able to find them because the old websites get shut down and replaced on a continual basis. Oh, and yeah, it is a federal crime to smuggle drugs across the border, whether it's prescription drugs or cocaine.
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