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They are legit and not fraudulent but there must be a problem in evey order i submit....a lost item(they refund the amount but still i don't wait 20 days so you tell me at the end that it's lost) , i ordered 3 boots they arrived in plastic bags without their boxes (i paid for the full weight of 5 kilos), orderd an express order supposed to arrive in 10 days in arrived after 3 weeks, ordered from a website that had a promotion of buy one get 2nd for half price they bought me one and sent me the other's (50% of the price ) at home ( though i paid by credit card and they should refund it),no complaints department (they say other wise though) i call them and they dont have complaints reference numbers (every time you have to tell the whole story of your problem) they dont follow up with you and they do not care about their customers what so ever the apologised for their mistakes like once or something in an email ! ! To be totally honest they were not like that at first not that hideous but now they are. ***** offering us a very good service concept with very bad implementation poor customer service and unprofessional staff ..
I would not advise to deal with this site ... it is one of the worst sites in customer service with the abysmal quality of service ... and the prices are very high compared delay and lack of respect for delivery times to customers ... in brief, they are the worst ever
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