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Moderation is ambiguous. Sometimes your post will be approved, sometimes not - bottom line is they don't have consistent rules for their content. That makes for unreliable and very biased information. The website itself is poorly designed and can be difficult to navigate. As an example you need to click many extra links within a page to activate links that are inexplicably hidden. Not sure why they hide these links, by it is annoying. The website search feature is deplorable. Keep trying with different key words if you have the patience. The information that you do find on this site appears to be posted by a relatively small and tight-knit group (maybe because so much content is moderated away?). Unfortunately this creates a very small slice of what could be available if they weren't so fast to deny so many comments and reviews. Overall I don't recommend this site unless you have no other option. Take what you learn there with a grain of salt because the information is dated and biased. The site is not well developed and the moderators are inconsistent and too prideful to make it truly worthwhile.
anti-Semitic, racist site. Moderators seem to endorse anti-Israel and anti-Jewish content. Makes 'good entertainment'- so they think.
Impossible to get information from. Only a bunch of snarkers and uneven moderation. Racist language abounds in some forums.
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