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Popped up as malware on my AVG.
Clicked on the link in Google Search to go to this site, and it attempted a drive-by download of a malware ad-pusher. DANGEROUS!
Downloading a font from this site caused 2 different security programs to say that it was suspicious or had adware in the exe you download when you go to download the font (this happened with free fonts. Am not sure if it is the same with paid fonts). See a screenshot here: ***** Not just McAfee had a problem but I also said yes and then scanned the file with Malware Bytes and it did not like the file as well. In that scan it said it had adware in it. So I opted not to keep the file. So I am rating as "Be Cautious". Some people do not mind adware.
Misleading, makes you install other stuff.
Я прошёл на этот сайт из результатов поиска Google, на эту страницу: ffonts.net/Name-This-Font-Normal.font.download . Началась загрузка exe-файла, который настроен как минимум — на замену стартовой страницы браузера и поиска, а так же на защиту этих настроек от изменений стандартными способами.
I unchecked all the toolbars but it installed them anyway. avast! detected a virus in LuckySavingsV3.exe and found it suspicious! Virus: Win32:Evo-gen [Susp] (Susp: Suspicious) The file was moved to the chest. avast! saved me again from yet another virus! Thank you, avast! I recommend all WOT users to download avast! and Malware Bytes. The combination of Wot, avast! Free, and Malware Bytes Pro with a good firewall make the BEST protection for your computer!
Ad/Spyware Detected by my ESET security
Super Anti Spyware, Malwarebytes, Avast all indicated high level threats.
This site left high level threats when I installed a font. Even deleting the " downloader" files (uninstalled) to the recycle bin resulted in a high level warning from Super Anti Spyware. High Level Threats also indicated by Avast and Malware Bytes. Now I am hustling to clean up the mess that one installed font caused. Avast called it a trojan; hoping it is not that bad. BEWARE.
en installant la police, il essaye d'installer babylon - meme si on lui dit "non" while installing a file, the installer was trying to install babylon, even if i clicked "no" before - recognized as spyware
Attempted to install spyware on my laptop
If you visit the Site a Downloader opens. The Downloader download the .Zip Data. But the Downloader changes the Browser settings to Babylon. No thanks!
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