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This site is is owned by the David Horowitz Freedom Center and is a source of political disinformation, rumour and conspiracy theories, with many failed fact-checks. This is not a legitimate source of news information. See: ***** Untrustworthy
Fake News. white supremacist website masquerading as a legitimate news outlet. Click baiting with a deceptive site name. Beware. This site promotes extreme right wing zionist white supremacist christian fundamentalist pro-donald trump, pro-vladamir putin, pro-bashar al assad propaganda and teaches white American christians to wage a holy war kkkrusade against Muslims for the benefit of the apartheid zionist state of israel. The users on this site are far right wing extremist who demonize and label anyone who disagrees with their genocidal white supremacist/zionist christian worldview as being a "liberal", "leftist", or "terrorist". Promotes lies and disinformation to demonize Muslims and Islam. One of the main topics discussed is "taqiyah", which is the shiite art of deception and lying which Islam forbids. This site accuses all Muslims of practicing this shiite form of chicanery in order to convince non-Muslims to wage war on Islam and commit genocide against Muslims in the West and in the Middle East for the benefit of the apartheid zionist state of israel.
Great website. Safe for the Children Lots of great content. Very good journalism. Safe to browse
Website is safe, there is no malware here. Content is political commentary, so there are strong opinions and politics.
Typical biased anti-intellectual OpEds distorting the truths for political gains.
Ethical issues, hateful content ! Ethnic chauvinism & racism, Islamophobia, quasi-political commentaries and mostly fabricated stories served as "news", - no more no less ! Beside that, they spamming visitors to get better stats and improve their ratings as they selling space for adds ! They also using tracking for the same reason.
If you want to learn how to be an intolerant bigot, this site is perfect. I like how it has ads of things it doesn't support too.
racist, disgusting crock of sh*t right wing extremist website, extremely hostile towards anyone who doesn't agree with them
right-wing, pro-gun nutcases who do nothing to remove offensive and racist comments
Thankfully, I have not read FrontPage Magazine in years. When I used to read it, they were quite sensationalist. This is why I rated them as having "poor" trustworthiness. Also, they are not consistent in their conservatism. They feature sensual images of women. I say this as a guy who does not have have a leftist bias. In fact, I am pro-life and pro-family.
Site may contain images of violence not suited for young children
"spy cookies"??? this is 2011 for chrissake. fuck off.
This site is political commentary, you may not like it but that's what it is.
News that is not often reported in mainstream media.
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