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GNU Image Manipulation Program или GIMP — свободно распространяемый растровый графический редактор, программа для создания и обработки растровой графики и частичной поддержкой работы с векторной графикой.
WARNING!! ACHTUNG!! ADVERTENCIA!! 경고!! VIRUS!!! When you download Gimp from this site, you must check the hash number published vs the hash number of the download. There are potential viruses. My first download had a pretty serious virus. It's a particularly nasty one that gives someone access to your computer from the outside. Luckily I was suspicious and checked the hash numbers before I installed the program. I then compared the hash numbers and they were totally different. I think the program directly downloaded from the site is ok but the one from alternate sites has the virus. What is a hash number? Every program installer has a unique hash number that the website will let you know. If the downloaded program is different than the real copy by even a little bit, the entire hash number will be different. How can the downloaded program be different than the one that the website is uploading? Well, an easy way is someone might interrupt the link between you and the site and then send you a program that has a virus. Where to find a hash program that will tell you the hash number of a downloaded program? There are many simple hash programs out there. Make sure the hash program itself isn't a virus!! People can be very sneaky and nasty. PLEASE BE CAREFUL! IT'S A NASTY VIRUS!
Just the best free editing software available
Great Photoshop alternative to those who don't want to pay for Photoshop.
Gimp is the best image manipulation software. There might be more powerful software out there, but Gimp is free and open source. So there for, the best.
hands down the best image manipulation program bar none!
Simply the best free image manipulation tool that exists ^_^. Used it for years and think I will continue for many more.
Free Image Manipulation Program
GIMP in my opinion is one the best free alternatives for editing and creating photos, I made my company's logo buy using GIMPs vast array of tools. I love this software!
Home of GIMP, the Gnu Image Manipulation Program, extremely versatile, free and open source alternative for Photoshop. Site is clean and trustworthy, clear-looking, and easy to navigate without ads. Includes downloads and links to them (eg. Windows binaries are hosted on, documentation, and plug-in registry, where one can supplement the functionalities of GIMP with add-ons.
Extremely safe site; no tracking; but how do you use the software?
GIMP - бесплатный графический редактор, неплохая альтернатива фотошопу.
A very good image editor that is for those who don't want to pay for Photo Shop or Paint Shop Pro. It has almost the same features as Photo Shop, but I wouldn't say it IS Photo Shop. It is a great alternative, though. The only problem is that the load times are LONG, but that is not a problem if you are using Linux.
No, it's not Photoshop. But then again, it is an outstanding application in it's own right, and it is provided FREE by some very hard working and dedicated people. That allows me to install it on a lot of people's computers who could not afford anything near this value otherwise.
Official website for GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program). It's free and excellent for editing graphics and such.
Gimp is the best free image editing program. A lot better since the version 2.8!
Offizielle des Kostenlosen Bild Bearbeitungsprogrammes GIMP für Linux und Windows
Website of GIMP, an excellent open source image editor. And Google Safe Browsing DIagnostic says is safe:
Good site company has good customer service.
Gimp-Safe and sound IMP. And the best bit it's FREE..
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