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I believe they are under Congressional investigation for their business practice. I was looking to invest in gold. After investigating several companies, their name kept coming up with highly questionable practices. One seems to be pushing gold investors to semi numismatics coins (which "can not be confiscated"). Unfortunately, for us, these coins are also hugely marked up. I finally found a site with a 3-6% markup on coins, rather than 20-40% I have seen here. Forewarned is forearmed. Not sure how they could have such high marks. Here is the story of their fraud and fine: ***** With all the negative publicity, I don't know how anyone would even think of "investing" with these people. Update ***** I am now getting spam twice a day - all coming from different addresses - but all pointing to this site. I did business with another company that had a much lower markup (like 5% instead of 20-25%). I will never buy from here.
Scam, cheating customers. Avoid.
Sales people overrated the value of the coins when they tried to sell to me, both in current market value in todays open market, and what I could get over the spot price for the true content of gold in the coin if I went to sell it on a local basis. Think twice before you Buy, Foreign coins are not that easy to sell in an AMERICAN market...
In this video, Peter Schiff claims Goldline has tried to sell at unreasonable prices: *****
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