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This site has not been owned and/or operated by said "P. Gordan" for some time now. ***** is a legitimate website offering high quality information and products for hearing.
Resposta de hearing.comhá 10 anos
Site is under new ownership and has been updated. Please take a moment to review your rating/comments and adjust according. It would be greatly appreciated as we are trying our best to provide a quality user experience by publishing lots of great content relating to hearing.
Beware: Sites belonging to P Gordon, well known spammer / scammer and blacklisted!
Resposta de hearing.comhá 10 anos
Site is under new ownership and has been updated. Please take a moment to review your rating/comments and adjust according. It would be greatly appreciated as we are trying our best to provide a quality user experience by publishing lots of great content relating to hearing.
Resposta de hearing.comhá 10 anos
Site is under new ownership and has been updated. Please take a moment to review your rating/comments and adjust according. It would be greatly appreciated as we are trying our best to provide a quality user experience by publishing lots of great content relating to hearing.
Spam, Scam, Pishing blacklisted
Resposta de hearing.comhá 10 anos
Site is under new ownership and has been updated. Please take a moment to review your rating/comments and adjust according. It would be greatly appreciated as we are trying our best to provide a quality user experience by publishing lots of great content relating to hearing.
Be aware of using. Scamming Network. Reference: *****
Resposta de hearing.comhá 10 anos
Site is under new ownership and has been updated. Please take a moment to review your rating/comments and adjust according. It would be greatly appreciated as we are trying our best to provide a quality user experience by publishing lots of great content relating to hearing.
Spam,scam, phishing,blacklisted!! Info *****
Resposta de hearing.comhá 10 anos
Site is under new ownership and has been updated. Please take a moment to review your rating/comments and adjust according. It would be greatly appreciated as we are trying our best to provide a quality user experience by publishing lots of great content relating to hearing.
Spam, scam and phishing attempt combined. See *****
Resposta de hearing.comhá 10 anos
Site is under new ownership and has been updated. Please take a moment to review your rating/comments and adjust according. It would be greatly appreciated as we are trying our best to provide a quality user experience by publishing lots of great content relating to hearing.
Blacklisted - see: *****
Resposta de hearing.comhá 10 anos
Site is under new ownership and has been updated. Please take a moment to review your rating/comments and adjust according. It would be greatly appreciated as we are trying our best to provide a quality user experience by publishing lots of great content relating to hearing.
Resposta de hearing.comhá 10 anos
Site is under new ownership and has been updated. Please take a moment to review your rating/comments and adjust according. It would be greatly appreciated as we are trying our best to provide a quality user experience by publishing lots of great content relating to hearing.
Sites belonging to P Gordon, well known spammer / scammer and blacklisted Ref: *****
Resposta de hearing.comhá 10 anos
Site is under new ownership and has been updated. Please take a moment to review your rating/comments and adjust according. It would be greatly appreciated as we are trying our best to provide a quality user experience by publishing lots of great content relating to hearing.
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