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When is this iYogi bunch going to give up? It is not a good thing to be at the top of Google search with the keywords "Dell Support Chat". Because they are not. (9/16/2014) Now Lenovo? Get real, iyogi, you do not contract tech support for Dell, Lenovo, or anyone else. Get out of Google Search! (7/16/2015) Is this bunch still around? Seriously no computer manufacturer uses this firm for anything.
Malicious and misleading, First in Google ads under "HP Support", not actually HP support and can hold your system hostage if you follow their procedure. They will attempt extort several hundred dollars from unsuspecting customers.
iYogi services are spread primarily by Spam. Over the years, several hundred accounts have been suspended because of this at Yahoo Answers Included are tech's that would be better suited working on tri-cycle's instead of computer's. Their software products are at best classified as "Very Poor" Alliance
iYogi uses unethical tactics with PPC ads to trick people into thinking that iYogi handles the support for most software vendors, when in fact they are not associated or affiliated with the vendors at all. iYogi told me to remove a software that I purchased and request a refund. When I called the vendor to request a refund, it was then that I was informed iYogi is not the support provider for the company I purchased software from and they don't know how to properly support the product they had me remove. This company is really, really shady. If you search for almost any software plus the word support, you will see iYogi ads in Google ex: "McAfee Support". Don't trust this company!!!
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