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Ken Coaching and Therapy ( is a leading agencies offering Calgary counselling services. It motivates individuals and empowers their dream and has helped hundreds of people in the past. Ken Fierheller who leads this initiative offers a range of services such as Life Coaching, Couple’s Counselling and Career Coaching. Apart from this individuals and counselled and encouraged to fight negative emotions such as depression, anxiety, lack of confidence, phobias, stress and anger. The therapy focuses on building the inner strength with a person and motivating him or her to meet all the challenges in life with composure and confidence.
Hello my name is Jeremy, recently graduated from college and just found my dream job. I have serious communication problems but helped me to develop my communication skills. I have often faced challenges in the past as I am not very good expression my thoughts while talking to someone. This made me very weak where communication skills were involved. At the same time, I have never worked with psychologists and psychotherapists in the past – I was simply not that comfortable talking to a stranger. So when my friends and family advised me to speak to a life coach, I was not very sure. However, after going through, getting in touch with them and working with a mentor, I have understood that things could be very different. I am proud to say that things have improved and I am feeling much better about my professional life. Thank you Ken!
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