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Komen send legal threats to smaller cancer charities when they use the term "for the Cure". More recently, Komen turned down a donation from a pornography website - PornHub - they should accept all donations regardless of source.
I disagree with those who say this is a negligent charity. They are a BBB accredited charity and have a lot of big sponsors behind them. If they were not on the up-and-up these sponsors would not be in support of the charity. *****
Controversy: Instead of using its received charitable contributions for strictly humanitarian purposes, there are serious accusations that this organisation is managing the contributions for somewhat political purposes. 'When the Susan G. Komen Foundation, which funds research about breast cancer,... started threatening smaller nonprofits ... I was cured of thinking very highly of their outfit.' ***** ***** ***** *****
In addition to the controversial defunding of Planned Parenthood Komen also has a pretty spotty record in regards to money management. In 2009 executive and member salaries were $22 million dollars, or close to 14% of all revenue. Salary outlay increased by $6 million that year; out of >all< the revenue raised that year only about 49% of it was spent on Cancer research. Numbers taken from Guidestar IRS filing: hxxp://www.guidestar.org/FinDocuments//2009/751/835/2009-751835298-05c074f1-9A.pdf All of this builds the image of an organization that is more concerned with making sure they have nice salaries and make political statements, and not one that is dedicated to fighting Breast Cancer.
A worthy cause trying to end Breast Cancer. No unsolicited email or spam. Information received from this site is related to fighting this horrible cancer.
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