migrationwatchuk.org é seguro?

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Considering the immigration figures for the UK have been shown to be mere speculation at best and outright lies,propaganda and massive under-reporting of actual numbers at worst,this site is one of the most respected when it comes to facts. ***** *****
***** Is the level of enquiry this website makes. That's worthy of respect more than an entirely propaganda-based site. However, I believe people will always tar truth-tellers on the immigration subject with the 'racist' / 'prejudiced' slur. This might be where the low rating comes from for this site, or the mere name 'migration' may be auto-tagged as controversial or something by WOT's algorithm? The truth is the truth is the truth. Respect it - only then we can improve it. Peace.
"Trustworthiness 46 Unsatisfactory" WHY? Where are these stats collected from, and why does WOT not provide stats on the various sources for WOT rating statistics? I can't say that this site is extremely trustworthy, but in the absence of further evidence, why is the rating so low? It's the likes of Google or the Daily Mail that need such an untrustworthy rating, given their refusal to follow the letter of the law on private data protection - in the former case, and overly-biased and often decidedly-incorrect articles/agendas, in the latter case.
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